+ 3 Not extravagent, yet extravagent +

5 3 0

"What?" I question confused on how this unrecognized boy knew me. He refuses to look at me, besides me bumping into him in the way inside.

"I had to bring her, she was dying out there." She says quietly, avoiding eye contact. Amelia then pushed through the doors and I follow, the guy calls back to us before the doors shut though.

"He won't be so easy to forgive you this time, plus it's ruining the plan" He calls seeming to forget my existence.

I try my bet not to run back to him and ask what in the world was going on, but instead I followed Amelia.

I'm a little disappointed, I was expecting extravegent and vibrant furniture and colors everywhere.

Instead, the place smelt of dust, black and purple where the obvious favorite colors as they covered the walls and furniture, it was cold and I had to rub my arms to keep warm. We had walked into a small entry room with a dark hallway the only other exit.

The only thing remotely out of the ordinary was everything seamed sharp and resembled to feathers.

Amelia leads me down the dark hallway to a purple door.

We walk in and another door is in front of us. We walk through that one, an elevator door stands next and Amelia pushes the button.

"What's the deal with the multiple doors?" I want to question but keep it in, Amelia looked white as paper. Obviously she broke some rules when I was saved.

"No questions til the end, after your healed." She says already mowing what I was thinking.

The elevator door opens and we both step in.

The ride to the top is silent. Amelia was nervously shifting her feet and my brain was racking up all sorts of questions.

The elevator dings and we step out into a darkly lit hallway. Torches shaped like crows were the only light source. I was still all confused about this whole crow obsession.

Finally what looks to be daylight lights the end of the tunnel and we make out way through it, blinking as we go to adjust our eyes.

Now this is the shock I was expecting when opening the black stained doors.

Daylight shined through a glass dome ceiling. People were scrambling about, all of them a black and purple mix. Silver lined the walls and multiple stone hallways could be detected from this one large room. Up at the top of this room, where the glass ceiling was, was a black stained glass office. The best feature I could see was a glass observatory that hung over the room, which is probably why this is called the crows nest.

"Come on." Amelia interrupts, finding joy in my baffled expression as I take in this room.

I follow her down the path until we come to and edge.

"I need to get you past security, just follow my lead and don't hesitate." She says sternly and I nod despite my confusion. I watch as she then jumps off the edge, my nearly leaps to my throat.

"Amelia?!" I scream, and scramble to the edge to see. By then everyone was staring at me and whispering, but I didn't care, I was too caught up it Amelia.

But the way she was falling didn't seem normal...

Her body seemed to be floating down as if in water. She emerges down below by stepping softly onto the stone floor.

"What just happened?" I question.

"Just jump." She shouts at me, I warily look over the edge.

Come on April! I need you to jump right now!" She shouts and I take a step towards the edge, looking into the pit warily.

Before I can step away from the edge I feel a push on my shoulder.

I look back at the face before plunging into the thick substance.

Blue eyes, blonde hair, flawless stature.

I slowly drift toward the ground, the thick glue like substance felt hot and sticky. My skin seemed to peel away and reveal a shinier new under layer.

I was a few feet from the ground, then the pain started. My shoulder flared with pain, along with my ribs and head.
My ankle burned hot and a ripping sensation started.

I tried screaming in pain, but lost all the oxygen in my lungs.

I could hear voices outside.

"You should've stayed with the plan"

"I did what I had to."

"She's better dead now then later, I need her for the last bit then she can die"

"She's a person and you can't just control her."

Then the talking stops along with the pain.

I can hear a sucking sensation, then all the dense liquid seems to evaporate.

Hands pull me up off of the black disk and onto the cold stone.

A towel is placed on my back to dry my dripping self.

Familiar hands grip under my shoulders and pulp me into standing position.

I look into the familiar green eyes. He blows black hair out of his face and smirks at me.

"How was that April?" He says already knowing the answer.

I glare at him and look past him to Amelia. "What the heck just happened?!" I demand.

"It's called rebirthing here at the crows nest."

"You tricked me?" I ask angrily. Amelia shifts warily under my gaze.

"We needed you to heal, it is part of our ritual." She replies avoiding my question.

"You drown people?!" I ask.

"No." She says more confident now. "We wash out their fears. With fear, you can't fly, and if you can't fly...you can't be a crow."

"How does that wash out our fear? I don't feel any different!"

"It makes you stronger." She answers. I just glare back at her. A breeze picks up through the stone area and something bumps against my ankle. I look down.

A yellow band with a code on it surrounds my ankle.

"You tagged me?!"


So this is a really bad chapter AND it took like forever for me to write. I thought I could write it and another one on Monday, but I was wrong.

Hopefully I get another one out soon....

Thanks for reading!


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