+ 9 Triggered +

5 3 0

Despite what I thought, I fell right to sleep.


Storm clouds cover the sky, casting a gray shadow over the boy. Thunder can be heard in the distance and an occasional flash of light signaled lightening. It was obviously dangerous for the boy to be outside in the storm. A blanket of fog layer ahead of him, cloaking everything with secrecy.

He looked to be only 11, sitting on the ground with his legs tucked up to his chest. His hair covered his face, it matted and full of dirt. The rain wasn't doing anything to help him, as he was sitting underneath a tree. His back against the rough bark.

He fearfully looked over his shoulder as if expecting a demon to come and attack him, and maybe one was.

A shadow cast over his face and he tightened the grip on a sword that lay by his side.

"Come child, you have work to do." A deep voice commands and the child slowly gets up, a look of confusion spread on his face. He either didn't know the person or he didn't know the work to be done.

They walk away to a forest, hand in hand. One small dirty hand into a large clean hand.

You would think there was a bond of trust between them, if the child wasn't holding his sword behind his back in secrecy.

They get smaller and smaller, seeming to disappear into the cloud of mist.


"Let's rest for now, we've ran for five hours."

Voices enter my mind, but I'm unable to connect to what's going on.

"Alright, how far until we reach the camp?" Another voice enters, they were slowly stirring me awake.

"Hundred miles, we should make it there before dark, nothing later than that, the demons are on our tails."

The last few words that voice said shook me awake and my eyes shot open.

Immediately after I have to squint to adjust to the bright light. I shield my face with a hand, waiting for them to adjust better. Everything was still blurry, sleep slowly draining out of me.

It's mid afternoon......

"What's going on?" I question, all heads snap towards me, besides Brady's who's back I had traveled on. He carried me while I was sleeping....

"We are running to a camp." Amelia responds cheerily and brushing her hair out of her face.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I question sleepily with a hint of annoyance.

"You need your sleep for what's to come." Brady answers this time, almost sounding annoyed by me. As if I was a speck of dirt under his fingernail.

"Well thanks I guess...I'll run now." I say with a don't-question-me tone. My eyes were set determinedly and my mouth straight and serious.

They all look at each other warily, their eye brows scrunched together.

"I can run, I've rested for hours, I'm good to run." I say to assure them.

"You haven't-" I cut off Brady's protest with my own.

"I get the whole protection and I appreciate how much you care for me,
but I can run. I couldn't yesterday, but I feel like I can now." I say
hoping they just drop it and let me run.

I did feel different, energy buzzed in my veins and my legs almost
seemed to be itching to run. I've never wanted to run so badly.

"I just-" Brady is cut off yet again, this time by Amelia.

"Let her run." She growls, her robotic voice changing into a snarly tone.

Brady reluctantly nods and I jump off his back, excitedly I might add.

I smile while unfolding the end of my pants, excited for the run. As I
look up, Brady shoves past Amelia before muttering a "she could
activate it." Whatever that meant.

I slowly jog to Amelia, beaming, with my eyes twinkling in happiness and gratitude.

"Ready for the run kid?" She asks me already knowing the answer.

"Defiantly." I answer, I was determined to keep up this time, and I felt within in me I could.


We had ran for hours, finally they were tired enough to stop for a supper break.

I was sweating, thankfully I had tapped out enough energy to last, but
I was exhausted. It was unnatural, I shouldn't be able to run for
hours at the speed of a car. It seemed normal when Amelia, Stacy, and
Brady were running, but having that much energy and speed isn't
normal. There is definitely something weird with me, besides somehow
attracting every demon on the earth. No joke.

"I found wood, I'll heat up some soup and we can drink the rest of the
water. We should be at the....camp by dark." Brady announces holding a
pile of logs in his arms. Stacy was tending the fire, well rather
playing with it.

When she said she had lightening elements, I didn't think it meant
shooting down from the sky and into our fire to light it. But that
wasn't the worst part, she had this static wires of electricity shoot
from her hands naturally. It was the most confusing and unnatural
thing to witness. I rubbed my arms to get rid of the shivers going up and down my spine.

"okay, what exactly is this camp?" I ask hoping for a straightforward answer, I'm tired of beating around the bush. I think Amelia could see that too.

"It's...it's where-" Amelia cuts off Brady's wary sentence.

"It's where you'll find Raven." Brady instantly glares at Amelia.

That one word alone sends me to the ground in a daze.

Raven... I was going to meet Raven....

This must've been what Brady said would activate.

Images flash through my head and I curl in a ball. Pain shoots from my
head throughout my veins. The last thing I hear before blackness is
these sentences....

"Way to go Amelia, you just triggered her."

"I had too, we can still bring her camp, but she had to know."......


Chapter will be out soon

Thanks for reading!


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