+ 2 WhointhewhathowdidIgethere +

8 2 0

The wind whipped at me again, it seemed against me like everything else in the world.

My classmates are probably learning algebra right now, while I'm running half dead from an army of demons.

Why did my life become so messed up? A few days ago I was pleading for adventure and now....I'm yearning the shelter I had before.

I kept running and running until exhaust was too much and I had to lay down and sleep.

I quickly prayed that the demons wouldn't get me before I woke up. It was the only hope I had left.

Slowly I started sinking into a well needed sleep.


Demons howl in pain left and right.

A beast almost similar to the demons cut through demons easily, like this was second nature.

It runs with supernatural speed and strength through the millions of hybrids. Half were dead within seconds, it seemed an easy battle.

The image of it got clearer and I could view it better. It's eyes were a menacing black, yet somewhere in the depths green lurked sadly.

It's black hair was uncombed and its clothes tattered.

When all the demons were dead it drops to the ground and slowly shrinks to a human like form.

The now human stares down at its hands then yells, "I'm sorry!!" At the top of its lungs.

It lays there in the field of dead demons motionless, its purpose is gone. It's  hope burnt out. Its soul shot.


I'm awakened by the hum of a car engine.

I stare at my surroundings confused.

I remember clearly falling asleep on the cold mossy ground shivering, yet here I was on the soft car cushion with a blanket wrapped around me.

I sit up, but lay back down wincing. My shoulder wasn't working properly, my brain sending signals, but my shoulder was blocking them. I think the concussion was gone, but everything was still hazy, but that could be from confusion.

Where was I?

I look to my left, a short yet sturdy woman who could barely see over the wheel was driving the car. Not very well too, the car jerked along the road, swerving every which way, it was obvious we were speeding too. The trees outside were just a blur of green and brown, since it was almost winter all the leaves were gone leaving bare limbs and green trees for scenery.

"Who in the what? How did I get here!?" I demand to the stoic girl. She cocks her head to me then looks back at the road.

"I am Amelia." Her voice sounded like millions of voices stringed together. Every syllable was a different pitch, making her sound robotic.

"Is that all I get?" I ask annoyed, I'm sure you would be too if the first person you've seen since you were locked in a janitors closet is also your kidnapper and only reveals her name in a creepy manner. Oh and add how you are running from a demon army on the list too.

"That is all you will know for now." She answer in the same multiple voices.

"What are you, some kind of robot?" I scoff in annoyance, confusion, lack of food, and waking up in a strange car can make one a bit grumpy.

"Of sorts, that's all I can say." She responds carefully.

"So your not human??" I ask skeptically.

"I am and I'm not" What did that mean?

"What about the demons." I ask wincing as we go over a bump.

"What demons?" She asks.

I look over at her confused. "The ones that chased me for fifty bagillion miles. Ring a bell?" I scoff sarcastically. Don't even try to tell me I was running for nothing.

"Oh them. They're harmless creatures really." She adds unbothered by my glares I'm shooting at her.

"Harmless?!" I screech. "The pushed me off a building and chased me!" I add to prove my point.

"Yes, but that was because you aren't trained. Which why I'm taking you to headquarters."

"Headquarters?! What is even going on?! Who is this Raven they keep mentioning." I yell angrily.

"You will be told all you need to know at headquarters, now please, shut up." She mutters.

I was so confused.

I need to get some answers, and fast.

Amelia stares straight ahead at the road, even though half her face was covered by the steering wheel.

I looked at my wounds closer, my ribs had an icepack wrapped around them and my shoulder dangled in a sling. I hope wherever we're going they can set my shoulder pack into place. I'm right handed and I landed on my right side, so it's kind of important and also makes everything I do hard.

I doze off here and there, awakened by bumps and Amelia hitting the brakes too hard.

We drove until dusk, the sun barely disappearing under trees, casting a yellow glow for a few seconds before disappearing.

It was probably around 6, my classmates returning home to their cozy and comfortable home that I too had. Just this morning I was pleading for adventure, but is that really what I wanted now?

"Here." Amelia says in her robotic voice, interrupting my thoughts.

I sit up to see exactly where 'here' was, wincing every time I move.

A valley of pine trees with a lone bare maple tree surrounded a building. The building was lined with gold and silver, the shape of it similar to a flying crow.

"Headquarters?" I question.

"Home." She corrects then gets out of the car.

I open my own door and unbuckle. Wincing again I slide off the chair and stand in the ground.

I couldn't stand straight, it hurt to much, so I was in this cramped position walking towards the door.

The jet black doors open before I get there and a tall boy steps out. He stares at me in confusion, looking me dead in the eyes.

"What are you doing here?"


I cut this chapter in half, there was like a whole other part to write, but I'll save it for next chapter.

I'll write more today, there might be another chapter out by tonight.

So Amelia is a shapeshifter and speaks like a robot? Whoa there Jovie, your crazy.

The pic at the top(or to the side) is of my first attempt in a book(it sucked) and cover(also sucked) I might remake that book later in my life so just a heads up!

Questions should be answered in the next chapter, if not the one after it.

But the next chapter will fill you in on the strange boy.

Also, the dream at the top was also showing what actually happened in real life to a guy(I can't reveal much more) but if your still confused comment your question!

Thanks for reading!


Raven (NOT EDITED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon