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Then the beast is pushed off of me. Relief takes over, but I lay shocked staring at where the demon was.

Hands shoot out and I grab them to help stand.

My vision clears and I stare into deep green eyes, filled with concern.

"Lets go."


I nod at Brady and spot Stacy behind him armed with a sharp and thin dagger. Brady had a small shot gun looped in his waist.

I was standing there for a second, the demon on its back five hundred yards away scrambling to get up, before Brady started to dash in the opposite direction with Stacy close behind.

I follow in line after Amelia. We sprint through the thicket, desperately running away from the killer demon that Amelia thought non lethal. The demon was gaining on us and Brady knew it.

He soon stopped and turned, pointing his gun at the hybrid.

"I'll catch up, let me slow it down first." He mutters and we run past him. Gun shots ring through the air along with the sound of piercing flesh.

We hadn't encountered any other people on our run, which was odd. We had ran nearly the whole woods.

The gun shots stopped and Brady was right behind me. We were running madly towards the end of the tree line. I didn't even know what was going on. Something more important than the games I guess though. All I can do is run for my life away from that demon.

Finally we breakthrough the trees, I place a hand over my face to shield it from the blaring sun.

My lungs ache, I've never been a good runner, and my feet start to slow down. I fall behind Brady by a couple feet.

They notice my slowing pace and stop, everyone is still breathing normally, still in perfect shape.

"Why are we stopping?" Brady asks. I try to talk but my breathing is too ragged to speak.

"Her body hasn't been training like we have, she just got here and experienced the changing barely an hour ago." Amelia responds and hands me a water bottle.

"What do we do then?" Stacy asks, her hair still flawless besides our mile run.

"I don't know, but we have to keep going, those demons will kill her and we need her alive, no matter the cost.." Amelia responds and looks at Brady for an answer. Brady's deep in thought, and I could tell he had come to a conclusion as his eyes twinkled and sighed.

"I'll carry her on my back." He suggests to no protest, besides my own.

"A no, I'll just slow you down even more." I complain.

"You won't. Trust me, now get on and let's go." He mutters and I reluctantly jump onto his back.

I was grateful for the rest, but I hated being carried. Brady sprinted despite the extra weight, and fell in line beside Stacy. It was bumpy, and hurt my head for awhile, but I got used to it.

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