+ 6 worth it +

4 3 0

Beeping, clicking, whirring.

All these sounds are emitting from this cylinder machine. I shut my eyes as lasers scan my body.

I felt drained. Here I was in an unknown gang group thing, all for what?

A Raven kid who planted a death wish across my forehead. I have started to despise him. They turned my world upside down. I'm confused by everything, three days and I'm trapped in a machine that's supposed to help me.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a feeling I've come all to familiar with.


Pain had flared through my body and couldn't help but yell. My skin burned and stretched.

I felt like when Steve Rogers was tested in Captain America. I'm guessing this is what it felt like.

They tricked me. They want me dead.

I'm dying.

This was a trap.

I'm a fool.

Then the pain stops. The machine door opens and light floods in on me.

"I forgot to mention" a persons shadow falls unto me face. "It was going to hurt." Rebecca says smirking slightly.

They definitely want me dead

Hatred towards these people was overbearing. Rebecca smirked at me, I was kneeling on the ground. Searing pain slowly draining away.

"I remember my Changing." Rebecca says casually. She sounded like this was a regular thing, maybe it was?

"It hurt like all of hell broke lose." She says and I nod agreeing.

"Come on up to the stool, we have to get you ready for the games, it's tradition." She says and supports me so I can stand.

Scratch all of that hatred I was saying earlier. Rebecca seemed nicer now.

The pain had jumbled up my emotion. I still have to learn more for any trust in people to build.

I've learned that by now.

Rebecca asks me to lift my arms up over my head as I step it the stool.

I obey and she measures my chest. Then my stomach, shoulders, legs, hips, neck, hips to shoulders, and my height.

I tried my best to hold still, occasionally my fingers would shake, remembering the pain that endured merely minutes ago.

When Rebecca finishes she walks over to a sewing machine with fabric in her hands.

"Sit." She instructs, gesturing to a chair that looked similar to the ones in the waiting rooms at hospitals, yet comfier.

"Tell me your story will I work." She says placing a patterned piece of clothing onto the sewing machine.

I sit down and get comfy in my spot before beginning.


"April dear, it's just a storm. Come out from under there." The voice of Aprils mother instructs. Her soothing tone is enough to coax the little girl from under the families dining table.

Aprils doe green eyes blink up with fright at her mother. A crack of thunder causing the small girl to jump, inching her back into the hiding place.

"It's okay sweetheart. You will be fine." Her voice hums around the kitchen, brining April yet again out of her spot.

This time the little girl is fast enough to crawl into her mothers lap before more thunder strikes.

Raven (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now