Chapter 13*

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Love you💗🙈
Emily POV
So me and Jacob just broke up, and I also blocked his number, I think it's better off single.
I've posted a lot of pictures of me and Jacob on my Instagram page that I need to delete, and I'm sure all my followers would be confused, but I deleted them, I have 4 million followers on my Instagram, because people know me as a muser, I'm one of the top musers on an app called musically. I have about 13 .2 million fans. And I've found out that Jacob does musically as well and is ALSO one of the top musers, but I think he doesn't know I do musically because I look different, and I dress and do my make-up differently.

When I go to school I wear casual clothes, I have my glasses and have light dust of makeup but when I'm at home with friends I have on a full face of makeup, no glasses and wear a more fashionable clothes.

I think he doesn't know it's me on musically.

Jacob POV
Well me and em didn't last long and yeah it's sad but it's in the past so like don't worry about it, so I started to do more musically since I'm not with Emily, eh she's prolly not into musically as she's like a nerd,but there's this girl on musically named "Emily Grier" she's really pretty, just like Emily and they kinds look the same but Emily Grier wears way more makeup than Emily, wait I DIDNT EVEN ASK FOR HER FOR HER LAST NAME, the hell, but it's too last to ask her.
BUT WAIT I have one last way to communicate with em SNAPCHAT!

but imma wait till tomorrow to text her

Emily POV
I didn't get as much homework this week, but I wanted to hang with the girls, we all skyped for a couple of hours on my MacBook till it was 2:30am in the morning, I explained everything that happened until i accidentally fell asleep during the call, hehehe sorry guys.

Emily POV
When I woke up the skype call was still on, but everyone was asleep, it's so cute that everyone was sleeping so I took a picture of them all. When they all woke up we talked for another 2 hours until, I went shopping alone.

So I went shopping alone, I walked around, brought some clothes and a new pair of adidas shoes, I went down to the food place and brought a salad and a bottle of water, but as I was waiting in line for my food, i thought I saw someone who's popular on musically, but I was pretty sure it wasn't him.

As I walked to find a spare chair and table, I saw him again, but this time with a girl who's kinda short, I think that's his girlfriend but I don't know and this time I was sure it was him. His name was like Derek Phan or something, so I walked up (and it took so much guts to do that) and I saw his phone, with the app musically opened, so I knew it must be him.

The conversation began awkward but yeah (it's a normal face to face convo I just thought it would be easier like this)
Me: hey

Derek: umm hey!

Me: are you Derek? From musically?

Derek: yeahh😊 (and smiles) 

Me: oh I'm actually a musers too, my names Emily

(Then shakes hands and takes pictures)

Me: who's this
(Looking at the girl standing next to Derek)

Derek: oh her name is Yvonne, she's my cousin and she does musically but not often

Me: oh, hey Yvonne,

Yvonne: hey
(She says with a cute voice)

Derek: who you come shops with?

Me: just myself

Yvonne: wanna join us?

Me: sure:)
(My mood changed 😊)

We talked and laugh while we walk around the shopping center until it was 9pm,  Derek decided we should exchange numbers and hang more often, and I agree, so then we all went home. As I went home, and thought it's sad not getting to see them everyday.

When I got home I got ready to sleep but then I got a snap from....... Jacob? *facepalm* I forgot to block him on snapchat but I didn't, so I decided to have a chat with him....

Jacob POV
I was bored so I texted Emily on snapchat as she blocked my number, hoping she would answer......


Jacob😘- heyy

Emily💘- hey.

Jacob😘- how ya going?

Emily💘- great actually

I was confused why but eh as long as she is happy it makes me happy.

Jacob😘- *sends a selfie snap*

Emily💘- *opens snap and smiles* aww so cute

Jacob😘- hehehe

Emily💘- *sends a selfie snap with dog filter*

Jacob😘- awwww little pup 😍🐶

Emily💘- it's been great talking to ya but I gotta go it's getting late
Good night 💗

Jacob😘- good night babe 😘

Emily💘- we've broken up you can't call me that 😔

Jacob😘- sorry.

More new characters are gonna be added in the story
Agent47007  is Rushil
Tigercub23 is Yvonne
& Derek is related to Yvonne

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