1.0 Flashback~ 1912

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Atlantic Ocean- 1912

Grace stood against the railing, looking out to the dark ocean. The salty wind blew loose strands of hair into her face, but she didn't mind. She was at the bow of the the ship, and standing there with the wind whipping around her made her feel free.

The feel of arms wrapping around her made her smile, closing her eyes as she leans back slightly. But when she opens her eyes and looks back, the feeling is gone and there is no one around. It was almost as if there was a pit within her, she felt empty. She felt as if someone should be there with her, except she was alone. An upper class women within her earlier twenties, and she was all alone. All the other women were either married or betrothed, but she was alone. She couldn't settle down, she had to run. She couldn't bring anyone into the life she had.

"Gracie." A voice says and the women turns fully around to see Trevor. A smile spreads on her lips as he holds his hand out to her.

"You don't want to miss the party? I'm sure Rose would be Peeved if you did." Trevor teases, causing his friend to laugh as she walks towards him, slipping her hand into his.

"You are right, sister dearest does seem to have a short temper recently." Grace agrees as the pair begin to walk into the large ship, Trevor's hand moving to the small of her back. He laughs at her observation, causing her smile to spread further. It wasn't long before they had entered the main hall of the ship, many upper class people talking and drinking. It was warm and light, something Grace had never felt in years. She had never had the luxury to live in the upper class in fear of bumping into them. But being forced to move to America, Rose had the idea to travel in style.

Trevor lead Grace down the stairs, joining the large crowd but her eyes drifted elsewhere. They found the corner of the room, where a man stood. She barely made out his face and with a blink, he was gone. A frown fell on her face as she rubbed the corners of her eyes and looks back, but he was no where to be seen.

"Gracie, are you okay?" Trevor says, braking her from her thoughts, she looks down at her hands, only to find her finger tips wet before look at his concerned face.

"Yes, I'm fine." She reassures him. Even though Trevor didn't look convinced, he nodded and the pair wears their way through the crowd towards the Grace's sibling.

"Gracie! Trevor! Where have you been?" Rose demands once they get to her.

"I lost track of time, Trevor came to get me." Grace explains and Rose sighs. Even still they feared for each other's life. Suddenly, the ship shakes and everyone stumbles in surprise.

"What was that?" Trevor asks, looking around, as does everyone. The shaking appears again but more violent, making a few people to fall to the floor and the lights flicker. Screams and shouts sound as the shaking continues before it suddenly stops.

"What in the name of God?" Grace asks, picking herself up from the floor. The trip look at each other and it wasn't long before the news that the ship was sinking and the rush to the life boats started. The three were no exception as they push their way to the deck.

"ROSE!" Grace screams as the crowds shove her across the deck, away from Rose and Trevor. "TREVOR!"

Pushing her way through, she tried to make her way through, only to find her way to the life boats. Panic sets in as tears make their way down her face. Turning on the spot, all she could hear and see where the screaming people, sending her undead heart pounding.

"WOMEN AND CHILDREN ONLY!" A voice rings and Grace is shoved once again. Quickly, she makes her way to a quiet corner, her breathing uneven. Spotting a creat, she climbs on it, looking around, but unable to see her family. But she felt like they weren't the only people she was looking for. The only thing that came to her mind was that they were on the other side of the boat, so without thinking she used her super speed to take her there. However, they were no where to be found.

"ROSE! TREVOR!" Grace screams before a hand grips her arm. Hope fills her, only to be disappointed as it was a blonde haired man in middle class. He looks at her with tears flowing down his face and holding a wriggling blanket.

"Please, I can't get on the boat, but you can." He says, shoving the blanket into her arms, and Grace looks down to see a baby within it. Her eyes flick to the man but he pushes her towards a life boat. Nodding to herself, Grace quickly climbs in with the help of the other women, still holding the child. All she could hope was that Trevor and Rose had gotten off somewhere else and was safe.

"His name is, Thierry!" The blonde man calls as the boat gets lowered down from the ship. "THIERRY VANCHURE!" Grace nods, holding the crying baby close to her as motherly instincts kick in. The instincts she once had but never believed she could carry again. Baby Thierry begins to quieten down as the boat begins to sail away and Grace hushes him to sleep, singing beneath her breath.

"Hush the night and the morning loon,
Tell the horses and beat on your drum,
Gone their master, gone their son,
Dark the oceans, dark the sky,
Hush the whales and the ocean tide,
Tell the salt marsh and beat on your drum,
Gone their master, gone their son,"

Her eyes flick back to the large ship as it begins to submerge into the water and a soft sob escapes her lips.

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