Chapter 12 - My True Self

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A/N I'm back!!! It's only been about 2 years... I'm soooo sorry but life happened and yeah xD also I can't believe believe how many reads this has gotten since I left! I know I've been gone a while, but at least I'm going to try and finish it :P anyways, let's hop right back in!


Finally I was strong enough to get up. I swung my feet over the side of the bed and Aro's hands were instantly on me, helping me up. My first trip was to the bathroom as staying in one bed for 7 months didn't do much for my cleanliness and Aro wouldn't let anyone else near me to wash me, let alone feed me. He did that all himself and managed to resist drinking the blood that was meant for me.

Once in the bathroom, I pushed Aro out and stripped down. I wasn't quite ready to take that step in our relationship yet. I quickly hopped into the shower and washed. The hot water running down my back and hitting my head was like a massage, soothing the aches of being in one place for so long. Finally, after what seemed like only a few minutes, Aro started banging on the door and asking if I was okay. I realised I had been in there an hour so I stepped out of the shower and shouted, "I'm just getting out!" to Aro.

When I finished drying myself I turned to grab a change of clothes and came face to face with a full length mirror. I stopped dead in my tracks. (A/N geddit? Coz she's dead? I'm not funny I'm so sorry) Staring back at me was a girl I hadn't seen in years. Staring back at me was a girl I had chosen to forget. I screamed as the memories flooded back. My screams dissolved into sobs as Aro broke down the door and caught me just as I collapsed into tears.

"Laura, my love, what's wrong?" He asked, worried.

"Not now Aro, just... just hold me, please," I replied through tears.

"For as long as you need me to," he smiled and said.


A few hours passed and we were still sitting on the bathroom fooor. Aro was rocking me in his arms and I was still sniffling, but I had calmed down a lot.

"I... I remember it all," I stammered.

"Remember what, my dear?" Aro wondered.

"The night I was changed," I said, with a shiver. The version of events he knew was a slightly edited version, I'd changed that memory such a long time ago that the way I had told Aro was the way I believed it had happened myself. With my strength gone and my powers weakened, all it took was one look at the burnt, charred and damaged skin that covered my body for me to remember it all.

"They tried to make me... make me work for them forever. I was their slave, they promised not to kill me if did a good job. I was as good as dead from the beginning, I would have preferred it to the pitiful life I lead. Luring unsuspecting humans, day and night, into their lair- wondering when I would be no longer of use to them. On the night of my 21st birthday I decided enough was enough. I grabbed a flame torch to light my way and ran as fast as I could, away from the dingy cave they had me kept in. They were out hunting as I hadn't done a very good job that day, I knew that if I stayed- I would be their next victim. I only got as far as the outskirts of the nearest village, by a farm, when they caught up to me. 'Trying to run away are we, little Laura?' One of them sneered at me, the taller of the two. I took a step backwards and tripped over. Most of my body landed on some hay, but I managed to crack my head open. The scent of my blood drove the two vampires crazy, however I had dropped my torch when I fell. Too frenzied by the thought of my blood, neither of the vampires noticed the flames beginning to lick at them before it was too late. The short one was the first to catch fire, he screamed for his friend to help, but he was too busy sinking his teeth into me", I shuddered at the thought. "Finally, the second vampire was destroyed and I believed I had been left alone to die peacefully. 3 days later I awoke as a vampire. I had escaped being destroyed by the flames as I was still mostly human by the time the fire was put out. My burns were so severe that even my change wasn't enough to heal them," I finished quietly, looking up at Aro with tears streaming down my face, dreading what he would say next.

"I had no idea, you're stronger than you think my love," he said softly, before asking "How is it that you're crying?"

"I guess my powers are returning, that's one of the things that helps me disguise myself as a human," I replied.

"You are truly a remarkable woman," Aro said, with a smile. I leant up and kissed him for as long as I dared, then decided I didn't care about the traditions from my past anymore and pushed Aro to the floor and kissed him passionately.


A/N well there you have it, finally! I wrote this as I went, no real plan but oh well I'm here and hopefully you won't have to wait another 2 years!

Thanks everyone for reading!

Update, 3 years later and I've just marked it as complete because I'm never going to really finish it and it's a cute place to end...

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