Time To Scream This To The World

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Mark and I are going to pax and we have decided to tell everyone that we are together at mark and friends panel. Jack wade and Bob will also be there. They don't know either wade still thinks I'm having that little problem with me and mark soooo yeah we probably should have said something but now we and surprise people yay!

(Le time skip)

We get to pax and see some fans get some cool stuff from fans and had great and now it was panel. We get to the place and it was huge we were there before it started to get everything set up but wow I have never been in a room so big. Mark saw me looking with wide eyes and just pure amazement.

"Like what you see?"

"I dooo"

"It's big. The biggest place I have ever been in and it's all for us"

"Well it's mainly for you and that's what she said"

Mark giggled.

We answer questions make sick jokes and laugh are asses off this was that last question just how we planned.

"Hay mark I just want to ask. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"I do" mark replies

I make a sad face trying to trick the boys

"She's beautiful, smart, sexy. I love her to bits. We have been dating a year now."

I make an even more sad face. I see wades concerned look at me.

Then mark leans over and kisses me

The audience is a mixture of awes, cutes and ewes.

And wade gives me a dirty look but then smiles

"Mark you and (Y, N) have been dating for a year! And didn't tell us!" Jack yells playfully

" (Y, N) you made me think you were depressed because mark didn't like you" wade said with a big smile

"I sorry wade"

"CALLED IT!" Yelled Bob

"Oh sorry too loud"

"Yeah a little" said Mark

"I told jack and wade that you two were going to date and I was right"

We go to our hotel and drink a bit and then got our rooms and in our beds.

"Night guys" me and mark say to jack, Bob and wade.

"Night you two love birds" says jack

"Night" says Bob and wade

Me and mark get into our beds, cuddle and then fall asleep.

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