Time For Pax

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(Y,N) pov:

We are getting ready for the first day of pax and we are rushing to get stuff together, me and mark are running around the house and trying to get are cameras and other equipment.

(le time skip)

We get to pax and it's crowed like always and I see mark and jack are acting a little weird.......I wonder what's up with them.

Marks pov:

Jack has been hanging all over (Y,N) and it's starting to bother me. When (Y,N) walks a bit ahead of us I talk to jack

"Jack I don't want to sound like a dick but I would like it if you would stop hanging all over (Y,N). It's starting to bother me"

"I mean nothing by it man"

"And I didn't day you did, I would just like it to stop"

"You know your starting to get super jealous and it's getting annoying"


"Nothing.....Never mind"

I think Jack is trying to get with (Y,N) again........what a fucking idiot.

Jacks pov:

What the fuck am I doing, I just want (Y,N) to be mine again and I'm destroying my friendships for, I'm a fucking idiot, but I want her, but I can't have her and I need to come to senses with it I love (Y,N) and mark and I can't let something stupid like this tear us apart and yet I keep doing it..........I hate myself......

(Y,N) pov:

I hear mark and jack talking and I think they think I don't.......I just want to spend time with the two people I care about the most.......I guess it was a bad idea.

(Le time skip)

We walk around and meet lots of fans has are panel and had a meet up, it was loads of fun, now we are just walking around to see all the cool stuff and I hear Mark and Jack quietly arguing and it's getting me pissed.

(A little bit of time passes)

They are still arguing. I'm done with this


"What?" Said Mark

"We aren't fighting? What are you talking about?!" Jack says in a vary unsure voice.

"Don't lie to me I have been listening to you guys this whole time!"

"Oh" said Jack

"(Y,N) we didn't mean t-" was cut off by my yelling

"Don't give me that shit. All I wanted was to have a fun time like we did before today with the people I care about but it seems I can't even have that!"
I run to the bathrooms, hide in a stall and start crying.

Marks pov:
(Y,N) ran off and we ran after her. I didn't mean this I didn't want her to feel this way. All I do is hurt her.......I can't do anything right. I feel tears start to slide down my face but I wipe them away because I need to be strong.

"Shit she went into the girls bathroom!"

"Well we can't go in there!" Said Jack
I saw a lady walk out and I had an idea.

"Excuse me miss my wife went in there and I haven't seen her come out can you please check if she's in there and if she is can you tell her I'm out here waiting for her? I know this is a lot to ask, but I would appreciate it vary much" I say in a sappy tone

"Absolutely. What does she look like?" Said the nice lady

"she has (H,C) hair and she is like (hight) and she is wearing (outfit
in picture)"

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