Chapter 1: Replacement

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It was an unusual night for Gotham City

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It was an unusual night for Gotham City. It was too quiet. Besides the traffic and general city noises in the background it wasn't much of an exciting night for Tim Drake aka Robin. Bruce was out of town on some sort of business trip. He barely ever did this because of his role as Batman, but he trusted both Dick and Barbra to watch over Tim and patrol the city. Tim hated the thought of having to be babysat. He was seventeen now and didn't think he needed much supervision. After all, Tim managed to pull off being Robin as well as remain the top of his class. He was in college now. He had been for three years. He was something of a prodigy. Bruce told him that there was definitely a spot for him at Wayne enterprises, but he had to complete the schooling first. He was very intelligent, tactful, serious, and resourceful.

These were traits that only made him a better student as well as a better Robin. Dick was much more laid back and humorous. Jason was much more spiteful and angry. Tim always envied the two of them, mostly Dick. Who wouldn't want to be Dick Grayson? As for Jason, Bruce did not like talking about Jason. Alfred told Tim what had happened and how Jason had died and come back. It wasn't anyone's favorite subject matter. Tim hadn't really known much about him other than some old footage of him training as a young Robin in the Bat cave and his old red, green, and yellow suit that was torn partly burned. Tim's modifications to the suit proved to be most worthwhile. He never understood why the previous Robins liked to go pants less. Tim removed the green and yellow color scheme and replaced it with red and black. It was much more comfortable as well as protective. Tim was wearing it proudly as he swung through the city, flipping and jumping off buildings. He was proud to be Robin.

Tim's point of view

"I wonder if Barbra will notice that I'm gone?" I said out loud as the wind whooshed through my dark brown hair while I continued to swing through the night

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"I wonder if Barbra will notice that I'm gone?" I said out loud as the wind whooshed through my dark brown hair while I continued to swing through the night. I always loved the city lights at night from above. I also loved the thrill of falling and then shooting the grappling hook last minute. Though, I show great acrobatics I was nothing compared to how graceful Dick was. I knew that I shouldn't be too reckless. He was on patrol and I wasn't exactly supposed to be out. I hated being treated like a baby. I mean, I am more than capable of watching over the city for a couple of nights without it burning to the ground. I hated going against orders from Bruce or any of them for that matter. Barbra and Dick will have a shitfit if she realized that I snuck out by myself, but I see it more of an opportunity to prove myself to Bruce. Plus, if I can save the life of someone then isn't it worth it? Isn't that the whole point? I didn't need to worry about that tonight, anyway. I couldn't find any action anywhere. The darkest allies were free of drug dealers and muggers tonight. What the hell? I know Nightwing is good, but this is ridiculous. He's probably just as bored as I am.

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