Chapter 8: Busted - Betrayal of a Teammate

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"Hi. Nice night." Dick said with that smug grin he was so famous for. I hadn't seen them in so long. Instantly, I broke through Jason and Kory and hugged Dick.

"I missed you guys so much!" I practically squalled into his chest. It had been three months and four days since I was taken away from them. I felt Dick wrap his arms around me in return. I missed his hugs more than I realized, and I'm not exactly the "hugging" type. I was able to see Dick and Babs up close. Both of them looked terribly exhausted. Dark semi circles appeared under their eyes and Dick had short beard stubble on his face.

"Are you okay, Tim? You're wearing bandages. What happened to you?" Barbra asked in a motherly tone, pulling me off of Dick and examining me right there in the hallway of the hotel.

"Tim, I'm so glad you're alive, man. We've been worried to death. " Conner said, putting his hand on my good shoulder. I won't lie. It was a bit awkward.

"What the hell did you do to him, Jason?" Dick asked, grinding his teeth and pointing at Jason. This was bad. I really didn't want them to fight. (On a side note, it was really weird how Dick and the others just stood outside our hotel door and violently broke the door in. How were they not noticed?! It had to be Dick's idea.)

"Wait! Dick, you don't understand. Jason didn't do this to me. We got caught up in-"

"Save it, Tim. Whatever you're about to say doesn't change the fact that he abducted you!" Dick interrupted, while pushing Roy out of the way and walking into the room. Babs, and Conner followed. I rushed past them and blocked Dick's path to Jason.

"Dick, it's okay. They did kidnap me, but after a few weeks I chose to stay with them." I said, trying to calm dick down. A showdown was not something I was interested in seeing.

"Hear that, Dickiebird? The kid chose to stay with me. So, why don't you go back home to the head bat?" Jason added, seemingly trying to pick a fight. Now was not the time to be an instigating asshole, Jason. I glared at him. He knew what he was doing.

"If it was all your choice to stay, then why the hell haven't you called us? The last three months have been total HELL for all of us." Dick snarled, with his finger in my chest. I took a breath in order to talk, but I was interrupted once again when Jason slowly pushed me aside. I tried to stand my ground, but he was much stronger than me.

"Because, I wouldn't let him. That's what you want to hear, right?" Jason answered with a smirk. I kind of wanted to slap Jason. He was only making it worse. I needed to somehow tell them that Jason and I were together, but I had no idea how.

"So, where's the big man?" Jason went on to ask. Why wasn't Batman there? That was actually a good question. Nightwing gritted his teeth before answering.

"He's busy. In fact, him not being here is probably the only reason you're still conscious, you low life." Dick explained, not happily.

"It figures that he'd continue to put his work before his own Robin." Jason jeered.

"What's your problem, Jason? Why'd you kidnap the kid?" Dick growled, holding himself back. I guess I was officially sidelined, and forever known as a child.

"I ain't got a problem, Night-Wang. Maybe you guys should have taken better care of your stuff." Jason replied with both a smirk and a glare. I swear that I could feel the heat radiating from Dick's eye from behind his mask.

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