Chapter 2: Caged

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When I woke up, I noticed that I was lying on the floor of the bed room from before except there was some light from a lamp by the bed on a cheap little nightstand. I was still scared. It was so quiet. I tried to raise up, but my head was killing me. I then remembered what had occurred. When my hand made its way to my head I heard a jiggling noise. I looked down to see that my left hand was cuffed. The other cuff was shackled onto Jason's right hand. He was sleeping peacefully in the bed next to me. That would make escape far more difficult. I sighed and sat Indian style on the hard wood floor. My mind was quickly trying to concoct a way to get this cuff off of my wrist. I was beginning to believe that there wasn't any way to do it without Jason noticing. If I had my gear from the Robin suit it would be no problem to pick the lock on the shackle, but it was nowhere to be seen. If these people were smart then they probably ditched it somewhere. Just my luck.

I looked over to my right and saw that there was a McDonald's bag and a bottle of water next to me on the floor. I thought I might as well eat something. I was starving. Inside the bag was a cheese burger and an some fries. I hated fast food. It is so bad for you. Not only for your body's fitness, but also your cognitive functioning as well. I sighed again before I started eating. The fries were incredibly salty. At least they gave me a bottle of water.

"Be grateful you get anything, kid. Roy almost didn't get you anything after that blow to his knee." Jason said, startling me and forcing me to choke a little. Was he awake this whole time? Certainly, I didn't wake him up. Also, I still didn't feel bad for Roy.

"Sorry for the knocking you out, but you left me no choice." He said, stretching his arms and legs. He wasn't wearing anything but his red boxers and a white tank top. We almost matched. I could feel the blood rushing to my head as I blushed again. I was trying hard not to. I didn't want to show any more signs of what might have been considered weakness. His muscular arms were covered in scars and a few bruises. I had scars too, but they weren't as many or as noticeable.

"Well, I guess I'll have to forgive you, now." I said sarcastically, raising one eyebrow. Jason snickered as he looked down on me from the bed. What was he planning?

"Cute. Here is how this is going to work. You and I will stay chained together until I can trust that you won't run away. Only under certain circumstances will I undo the cuffs. Those times will be far and few in between. Like when I have a job. Got it?" He said as he pulled a cigarette and a lighter out of the drawer next to his bed and lit it. I hated smoking. It's a nasty and expensive habit. He took a puff and exhaled it in another direction.

"You mean a hit. I still don't understand why you kidnapped me. None the less, Batman will rescue me, you know. You can still let me go and save yourself the pain and humiliation." I said seriously with my arms crossed. Jason remained unfazed as he took another puff. He did seem a little pissed about my first comment. I have read Jason's files in the batcave. He protects certain drug cartels and takes huge cuts of the cash. He murders anyone who stands in the way of his business and forces the crooks that work in the drug smuggling scene to work for him. Jason is also known by another name, the Red Hood. The first person to use that alias was the Joker himself. Since then, several other criminals have used it, but Jason has the only one currently using it.

"Whatever you want to call it. And he won't succeed. Bruce won't find you and he's probably not too broke up about it either. Take it from someone who knows." Jason said with a tone filled with bitterness and hate. I knew what he was doing. His mind games weren't going to work on me. I was trained better than that.

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