Chapter 13: Nightmares

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Jason's Point of View

After killing Slade and thwarting that mad man's plan to transfer his consciousness into Tim's mind through sorcery, I put my brown leather jacket over Tim's body. He was still unconscious, and wearing nothing but underwear and a t shirt. His vitals all checked out, meaning he was alive. Right after I gathered him up in my arms, Cyborg arrived in the Titan's jet. It matched his blue color scheme of his cybernetic enhancements. Cute. Soon after he arrived, Raven began to wake up. I told her that we had won and that we had Tim back. Before I could start rushing everyone to get Tim some medical attention, Raven asked me what happened to Slade. I made a gesture with my thumb to where his corpse was. I thought this bitch was supposed to be psychic. Besides, we were standing in sandy ruins. All the blood and the severed head should have tipped her off. Both Raven and Cyborg took a short glance at what remained of Slade.

"You really haven't changed, Todd" Cyborg said in a disheartening manner before removing Tim from my arms and getting in the jet.

"Jason, he was dying anyway. You didn't have to murder him." Raven said with a creepily raspy tone in her voice. She did have a point, after all. Sure, I didn't have to kill him. I should have just let him live long enough to kill me instead right before he kicked the bucket.

"Then I did him a kindness. He would have suffered from the poison he ingested. I killed him quickly by taking off his head. Believe me, this man was a monster. He deserved way worse for his crimes. I gave him mercy." I retorted.

"I knew who he was, what he was. His soul was indeed dark, but we never resort to killing. If you and the others can't deal with that, then we shouldn't be working together." Where we really arguing about this? Oh, and I wasn't finished.

"By the way, what hellish place did you trap that magic bastard in, little ms four eyes? I'm sure he's not suffering at all." I continued, sarcastically.

"I don't want to be a hero like you guys. I just wanted to save the kid. That's all." She sighed at my words.

"You're no hero, Jason. You're practically a criminal. The spell I inflicted on Faust was one of great cruelty, but not one that will last more than a few days and will not result in his death." She responded with zero emotion, as usual. That's her excuse for going all demon-fied and did God knows what to that guy? Not that I cared. I would have killed him too .

"You should know there are worst things than death." I struggled to say what I was about to say. I had to know.

"Raven, what about my soul? Do you feel darkness in it?" Her eyes widened at my question. Then she regained her expressionless face

"You've done horrible things, unforgivable things, but you feel in your heart and mind that because of those deeds, something might happen to Tim." She replied, peeling back the layers of my deepest fears and desires. I could feel her. We were mentally connected. It was so trippy, like I had just dropped a gallon of LSD.

"That's not what I asked." I said back, look down at her.

"Your not evil, like Slade was, but your soul is..." she paused

"Shrouded in darkness. There is, however, a speck of light. A hopeful presence deep within your subconscious. That spark of light is Tim." Then she too turned and made her way to the jet. It was clear that she was only helping me was because of Tim. It's not like she didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I knew Tim was my anchor. Recently, he has been the only person who truly makes me feel, well, human, like I did before I died. Kory and Roy looked at me with slight grins.

"Thanks, guys. Couldn't have done it without you. And don't Listen to Cyborg and Raven. What we do is brutal, but necessary to the world, whether the world wants to acknowledge it or not. They're just afraid to get their hands dirty; Batman, the league, the Titans. They're all too self righteous." I said turning away from the two of them. I felt Roy's hand on my shoulder.

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