Chapter 7: The Choice

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Just as predicted, I was able to locate Tiger. He was staying in a very fancy hotel. I was able to spy on him from outside of a window. He was a very tall and lanky man with a small mustache. The suit that clothed him looked awfully expensive. On his wrist was a Rolex, and on his arm was a girl, likely a hooker. She was surely dressed as such. Upon closer examination, I could see that her teeth were rotten, and she was painfully thin. I knew she had to be using. I knew that if I could follow Tiger as much as possible I might get lucky. He could lead me straight to Castillo. I was still able to monitor all of his phone calls, but I was still going to tail him. This went on for a few nights. Jason was also on the hunt. He would be out all night trying to track Castillo, just as I was. We both just kind of slept during the day due to this.

Sleeping in all day was so unlike me so I needed to force myself to get up around noon to keep Jason from becoming suspicious. So far, Jason had no idea that I had been sneaking off to play hero after he left. As far as the progress of the mission went, Tiger wasn't leading me anywhere except huge parties, a few strip clubs, and hotel after hotel. I was beginning to lose hope. All of his calls weren't about Castillo, but one discussion with a blocked number was about a new deal that was going down tomorrow night. This was my chance. I was praying that Castillo shows up. I wasn't overly fond of following Tiger everywhere he went. It was both repugnant and boring.

"Morning kiddo." Jason yawned as he sat up in the bed and stretched both arms out. I hadn't been awake but a few minutes before him. I was lying on the other side of the bed, not wanting to get up yet. My body was telling me that I needed more sleep.

"It's hardly morning." I replied looking over at the digital clock on the bed stand that explicitly read 4:37 pm. I hated the groggy feeling that was running through my body.

"And I'm not a kid." I added, with a smear of irritation and sleep in my eyes.

"Relax. I know you're not." He said as he crept over to my side of the bed and gathered me against his chest. He wasn't wearing anything except his boxers and a pair of socks. I was wearing boxers and one of his old shirts that time had made soft. It was huge on me, but it made an excellent night shirt. His face leaned down and our lips met. I rolled over on top of him and sat up. He placed his hand against my cheek as a peaceful smile formed on his face.

"Tim, why the hell do you like me so much?" Jason asked from out of nowhere. The question was accompanied with a small laugh and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Well, you're a great sleeping buddy" I joked.

"Seriously though, I want to know." Jason had the eyes of an angel when he wasn't angry. Those eyes were gazing up at me

"Well, your sense of humor is quite endearing and you are exceedingly brave. One of the bravest people I have ever met, actually. You are also remarkably sweet when you want to be." I said, making Jason's face turn bright red. It was pretty adorable.

"Also, the fact that you're amazingly hot helps." I laughed. One of Jason's eyebrows rose and his face formed a half smirk. It was a face that made me think that his ego might explode at any moment.

"What can I say? I have good genes." Jason said, making me laugh a little. He wasn't wrong. Jason was very attractive.

"Plus, you like me. Most people just kind of write me off as a non-feeling nerd, and the rest think of me as a child." I added. Only after I had said it did it sound so depressing. I hadn't meant for it to come out that way.

"What's not to like?" Jason said as his hand made its way under my shirt and caressed my stomach up to my chest. My body began to tingle at his touch. It felt so natural, and gave me a sense of true happiness.

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