Chapter 17: Family Reunion

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Tim's Point of View

We made our way to the mansion, more than reluctantly, I might add. It took a great deal of begging, screaming, and then reasoning with Jason in order to get him to even consider such an endeavor. I was still majorly pissed at Dick, but dealing with the killer clown was more important. Even Jason knew that if we were going to find the Joker we would need to work together with Dick, Barbra, and whoever else would help. To do that, we couldn't be cities apart. Having access to the bat cave meant having an all but forgotten treasure trove of resources. Although, I would try and put up a front, I was not overly eager to return either. I did not exactly know why. Perhaps, shame? Pride? I couldn't put my finger on it exactly, but I did recognize that my time spent with Jason had set off a great change within me, and I was beginning to become aware of it. This became even more apparent just before entering Wayne manor for the first time in almost a year. From the outside, I always thought it resembled a giant castle with balconies and a gloomy demeanor.

That, however, could be attributed to Gotham's weather or Bruce's lingering taste in aesthetics. It was amazingly impactful how Bruce's influence was still very much present, even though he was not. Stone gargoyles stood guard on either side of the main doors, as if looking down on me for doing something wrong. I'd seen them a hundred times before. I suppose they had never had this sort of impact. After one look, my gaze guiltily avoided them. As soon as I set foot onto the beautify sculpted marble floor of the mansion I felt plagued with an unwelcoming feeling of disdain and contempt. It was if my presence here was not really wanted and that every step I took was an insult to everything Batman ever stood for. I soon realized that I was not alone in feeling this way. Jason had to have been close to popping a blood vessel due to his anxiousness. After arriving, Dick threw an arm over Roy and seemed avoid Jason and I.

"Come on, I'll show you to the guest room, dude. You'll love it. 60 inch TV and video games out the wazoo!" I heard Dick say to Roy before the two of them strayed from us. Roy and Dick did seem to hit it off pretty well, though I think that just made Jason a little jealous, a quality that is quite predictable for him. I had forgotten how large this place was. I had also forgotten how overwhelming it can be. I had become so used to hotels and condos. No matter how extremely nice they were, the manor never failed to be the most extravagant.  Of course, the Maine hall housed long and winding staircases, each leading to different corridors and rooms on each side of the enormous Wayne house. Beautiful new paintings were arranged along the walls and exquisite red curtains lined every window. There in the main hall, I admired the ornately carved scroll and leaf columns upon the dark brown mantle for the massive fire place.

Above the mantle's marble stone top, hung a giant familiar portrait of a young Bruce Wayne and his late parents, a beautiful young woman with piercing eyes wearing pearls around her neck, and a strapping dark haired man in business attire that strongly resembled Bruce, say for the mustache. Then there was a young Bruce, all dressed up in a little suite with the hand of his father resting on his little shoulder. Even in the painting I could see the child like wonder that used to fill his blue eyes, a wonder that has since rotted away into a deep foreboding, analytical gaze that you're not sure is even really alive anymore. This painting had been in this room well before I was even born. Its immaculate condition was truly amazing. I looked over and saw Jason gazing at the portrait as well. I was not sure when the last time time Jason had been here. All I know, is that it was before my time as Robin. Suddenly, a familiar glimmer of comfort and nostalgia erupted within me as I saw Alfred.

"My word. Master Timothy." He said, wide eyed, his small mustache and nearly bald head being exactly as I remembered it. I instantly ran up to him and squeezed his waste, wrinkling his suite a bit. He didn't care. With a smile, he reciprocated the hug.

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