Chapter 4: An Unlikely Connection

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I had made my decision and made my way back to the room. Roy was passed out on the couch snoring and Kory must have been in her room. The TV was playing the news. The remote was in Roy's unconscious hand. I took it and turned it off. Then I headed to my room. After opening the door I saw Tim all huddled up asleep on the floor. His head rested on a pillow. He was all cuddled up in a fetal position on top of some blankets. A lamp was the only source of light for the room. He had on a white t-shirt and a pair of boxers. He actually looked pretty adorable, especially with the Finding Nemo band aid still on his forehead. I noticed that his face was kind of red and there were dry tear trails on his cheeks. He'd been crying. I had decided to not bring make any more moves on him. I was going to leave that to him if he chose to do so. I had also decided that I was exhausted. I striped down to a tank top and boxers before going to bed, myself. What a day.

Tim's point of view

I woke up realizing that I had only been asleep for a few hours. My head was aching from lying on the floor for so long. I tried to go back to sleep, but I found it impossible. I sat up on my pallet and rubbed my tired eyes. It hurt to move. I realized that my back injury from the night before was more serious than I had previously thought. I looked up and saw Jason sleeping on the bed. He must have come in while I was sleeping. I didn't blame him for not waking me up after what happened. It would've been more than awkward. Jason was sleeping on his back, sprawled out across the bed with no blanket. At this moment he actually looked kind of cute and serene, just like a sweet, little child. His hair was hanging down in his face partly over his eyes. As I recall, Jason gained the white streak in his hair after being exposed to the rejuvenating Lazarus Pit. It didn't make him look bad. If anything, it made him look more bad-ass, in my opinion. My fingers touched his forearm, feeling one of the scars. His skin was ice cold. I took hold one of the green, cotton blankets on the end of the bed. I slowly and very carefully spread it over his body, covering him from his neck down to his ankles.

It wasn't big enough for cover him completely. He didn't seem to notice anyway. He wasn't quite snoring, just breathing loudly. I stared at him for a few minutes. His lips were frozen, like ice and yet inviting. A finger stroked his cheek. I slowly began moving my face closer to his. For a moment I flinched back, thinking it was a bad idea, but then quickly decided not to care. What was wrong with me? This was so not how I usually acted. Normally I was this quiet, timid little seventeen year old boy who occasionally fought crime on the side. Jason always held up this bad boy persona, but I was beginning to see that he was so much more complicated than that. Don't get me wrong, Jason was a badass, but I could sense that there was more to him. He was like an old dusty book with pages that went on and on for miles. If I really wanted to understand him then I needed to show more sympathy to his pages, his past. It was hard to explain, but the entire time I have spent with him I could see this kind of sadness about him. Even as he slept I could still see it. Maybe he needed someone to be there for him. He does have Roy and Kory, though. Maybe this was a mistake. As my lips slowly made their way to his my heart began pounding harder and harder in my chest, rapidly and out of control. It was like the closer I was to Jason, the more frantic my heart became.

My body shook mercilessly out of nervousness and fear that he might wake up. Thinking back, I don't think that I was really rationally thinking about what I was doing. I was merely acting out of instinct and desire. I couldn't really help myself. My body was drawn to him so mercilessly. At this point I could feel his breath on mine. As my lips were getting in sync with his I closed my eyes. Suddenly I heard him begin to groan and stir about as he was waking up. Immediately, I moved back and away from him, but not before his eyes opened and saw what I was about to do. Suddenly, he jumped up and grabbed my arm, pulling me down onto the bed where he pinned both my hands down. My heart was still racing quicker than I could count. We were both breathing heavily.

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