Chapter 6: Back in the Game

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"I have to hurry!" I said to myself while running blindly through the snow. What was I running for? I was trying to make my way up a huge hill for some reason. The icy powder was falling mercilessly. The freezing wind was also not doing me any favors. I was about to freeze my ass off. With every step my legs would sink into the deep white snow. The ground almost looked silver as the moon's light shined down on it. It may have been nice to look at if it was calm, but it wasn't. Sparkling white dust continued to fall and get in the way of my vision. It was like wrestling with a blizzard. What was the fucking point of this? That's when I heard something through the wind and snow. A scream, maybe? It sounded faint, but definitely there. I heard it again.

"Shit!" I cursed before trying my best to run through the freezing storm, toward the scream. I could still hear it. It began to sound familiar. Was someone in trouble? Suddenly I could hear another noise. A certain laugh pierced my ears, a sinister laugh that I could never forget. It was the last laugh I heard before I died, the laugh of the psychotic madman that killed me. There was no mistaking it. It only made me struggle harder through the snow. My eyes widened upon hearing it. Both my numb hands formed fists as I was gritting my teeth with rage. This time I'll kill him. I have to. Someone has to. Bruce won't do it. Bruce can't do it. Only I can. I'll silence that crazy ass laughter of his once and for all!

"HELP!" said the other voice, accompanying the insane laughter. Who was this? I know who it is, but I can't remember. Then the voice let out another shriek. This time it sounded like it was in pain. I didn't know who it was or what was going on ahead of me, but it wasn't good. What was that fucking madman up to, now? I'll rip his fucking head off! Suddenly, I could see what looked like a warehouse up ahead. The lights in the windows, though dim, were still present. My vision was getting more and more blurred from the increasing wind and ice hitting my body. My lungs burned from heavily breathing in so much of this cold air. It was almost like the weather was trying to keep me from getting to that warehouse at all costs. I wasn't going to give up, though. Jason Todd ain't a pussy.

"JASON!" shouted the voice again

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"JASON!" shouted the voice again. They knew my name? Wait, the voice was much clearer this time. It was Tim! That madman had him alone in that warehouse! I had to hurry before it was too late. I heard him scream with agony one last time before the insane laughter took its place. Then, my heart stopped. The icy wind stopped blowing. Instead, ash took its place. The snow at my feet disappeared. It was like everything besides the warehouse had been burned to ashes. What the fuck? I was sweating insanely while I quickly ran to the warehouse door and kicked it in. Splinters of the wooden door flew everywhere. That's when I saw Tim's lifeless body in the corner of the warehouse in a puddle of blood. His Robin suit was torn and bloody. His mask was missing. Blood splatters covered the walls. Tim was lying on his side. His arms were all bruised and cut up. I couldn't see his face. I didn't want to. Beside his body was a crowbar that had been bathed in his blood.

I fell to my knees beside Tim. Tears began running down my face. I scooped his limp up in my arms. His hair was filled with dried blood and dirt. I held him close and screamed at the top of my lungs.

Inescapableजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें