Chapter 3

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You had your (h/l) (h/c) in a ponytail.
Running through the forest your feet were killing you from wearing your high heeled shoes it was required being a princess and all you hated it.
So when you got far enough so no one could see you took your shoes off and hid them in a tree hoping nobody would find them and steal them why you were out here.
You continued running your feet feeling much better.
You felt the soft grass.
Not even bothering to look down you tripped over a tree branch not seeing it there.
You were about to get up when you heard a voice,a deep voice.
''I think you dropped something dear.''
You looked up to see a guy who had long lavender hair and skin that was almost the same color he had ruby red eyes. You've never seen anyone with that color of eyes before it was amazing.
You almost couldn't look away from *key work ''almost*.
Eventually you did examine the rest of his outfit he had the thing that popped out most to you was that he was sandals.
You looked up at his hand seeing that he was holding your tiara you panicked.
''Give me back my tiara!.''
You yelled.
''I am giving back your tiara do you not see me handing it to you?''
Suddenly realization hit you he was just trying to help you.
''I'm sorry I didn't..I mean I..I wasn't thinking...thank you.''
You said as you grabbed the tiara away from him and put it back on your head.
''You know it's dangerous to be out here alone my dear especially with that crown on your head people ''love'' royalties out here.''
''I didn't think of that....but I'm a big girl I can handle it.'' You said confidently.
''What is a royal doing out here anyways?''
*sighs*''it's stupid wouldn't wanna hear about it...''
''I would love to here about it dear I've got plenty of free time on my hands...for the moment being.''
He smiled at you with the whitest teeth you had ever seen his smile was just WOW you thought.
''Well my father told me yesterday that...I had 13 days to find a suitor and marry him because in 18 days I'd become queen and the rule is you have to marry before you can rule and it's really stupid and if I don't do it I'll loose everything but all the guys my father has brought to the castle weren't my type...*sighs* they just wasn't interesting to me and it's just so stressful and he has to be of royalty or I can't marry sucks.''
''I see....''
He stayed quiet for a few moments looking like he was thinking about something. Then he finally spoke up.
''Do you think I'm interesting?.''
''I guess so I mean your more interesting than the other guys I've seen today...''
''What if I told you that I was royalty?.''
''You are??.''
''Well I have a castle of my own and guards and stuff so I think that kinda counts for royalty doesn't it?.''
He smiled at you with one of those charming smiles again.
''Are you serious??.''
''Very serious''
''That's great!. Let's go see my father right now an-wait...what's the catch?.''
''Who said there's a catch?''
''There's always a Catch''
''Can't a guy just be a gentleman and help out a lovely lady like yourself?''
You blushed you weren't expecting him to say that.
Growing curious you asked.
''Who are you?''
''Me?. I'm vaati the wind mage but you might not wanna tell your father that yet..just tell him my name not the wind Mage part..''
''Just because...''
Oh I almost forgot my names (y/n) you told vaati.
Note*vaati is in a different part then what he usually is there's no link,no Zelda none of that nobody here knows who he is but just in case he doesn't want the king to know he's the wind Mage just in case he had heard of him*

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