Chapter 8

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Well don't have writers block anymore yayyy!!!!.
It was getting late and you wanted to sleep so you asked Vaati where you could sleep and he took you to an extra bedroom he has.
Time skip
You woke up to the smell of something yummy you walked down the stairs and followed the smell into the kitchen you saw someone who was not Vaati cooking you breakfast he turned around and smiled at you then handed you a plate of pancakes.
''Hi I'm shadow you must be the lovely (y/n) Vaati's always talking about.''
He said smiling.
''A-a-are you one of Vaati's friends?.''
''Yeah I guess so even though he is a pain in the butt sometimes.''
''I'm not the only one who's a pain in this house shadow!.''
Shadows eyes went wide he jump up from being startled which caused him to drop a plate and make it break into a million pieces on the ground.
Turning around and facing Vaati he said.
''Vaati I thought you were out and I am not a pain!.''
''I was out but now I'm back and I see you've broken another one of my plates.''
He said with a serious face.
''I'll clean it.''
You said not wanting to just sit there and do nothing.
'' no (y/n) it's fine I'll get it was my fault anyways.''
You watched shadow pick up the pieces and throw them away.
''So what did you while you were out?.''
You asked Vaati.
''I bought you a book.''
You looked at him confused.
''A book? But we have a whole library full of books.''
''Vaati must really like you if he's buying you gifts.''
Shadow interrupted smiling.
Vaati just gave him a death glare mad at him for interrupting.
Then Looked back at you.
''Not just any book my dear it's a spell book.''
He said smiling.
''A spell book? Like magic? But for what?.''
You said.
''I just thought you would like to Learn a spell it two but if not I could just take it back and--
-before Vaati could finish you jumped up and shouted ''NO!.''
Causing everyone to stare at you with wide eyes making you shrink down in your seat for your outburst.
Grabbing the book from Vaati you said.
''I mean'll look at it th-thank you Vaati.''
''No problem anything for my fiancé.''
He said smiling.
Hearing that made your heart skip a beat for a min.
You just smiled and told Vaati you was going to walk outside and read out of your new book.

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