Chapter 12

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Waking up to the sound of curtains opening Causing little sunbeams to get in your face you groaned and put the pillow over your face begging whoever it was at the curtains to give you a few moments to actually wake up.
''But it's a very special day (y/n) you must get up.''
Shadow said.
''What could be so spe--
Remembering halfway through your sentence that today was going to be your wedding day the day you for married and the day you became queen!!!.
You jumped out of bed as fast as you could to get ready for your big day also panicking alittle.
You were so nervous.
Opening the door and rushing down stairs you ran to front door only to see vaati there waiting for you all dressed up.
He smiled.
''Aren't you forgetting something (y/n)?''
Vaati asked.
Confused you said ''I don't think so?.''
Then vaati snapped his fingers and shadow appeared and handed vaati the crown the king gave you.
Eyes growing wide you grabbed it.
''O my gosh!. I completely forgot about that!. Thank you for remembering!.''
You said.
You grabbed vaati's hand and ran with him out the door.
Time skip-the wedding.
You were wearing your mothers wedding dress but changed the style alittle bit so it suited you more that and you didn't really like the way the dress looked you looked in the mirror as you put your crown on that the king gave you.
You couldn't believe that you were actually looking at yourself in a wedding dress you didn't think it would happen so soon but time flies you thought.
You walked down the aisle with the king by your side looking around you saw that the whole kingdom was there.
You were starting to feel nauseous.
You stood across vaati as you to said you wedding vows.
Then you heard the words
''You may now kiss the bride!.''
Then you and vaati kissed and were officially married now.
Walking down the aisle together you heard vaati say that you looked beautiful in the dress.
You smiled.
Later that day you were made queen.
End of chapter!!!.
So I know this one really sucked and I'm really sorry there's one chapter left it's the epilogue.

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