Chapter 10

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''K now the first thing that you need to do is this.''
Vaati said raising your hand up.
Then he told you to move it forward,then snap your finger.
And BAM!!. You did your first spell. the spell that you did was a teleportation spell.
''WHOA!.'' You yelled not believing that you had just done that.
''That was amazing Vaati!.''
Vaati smiled and told you to teleport back over to where he was so you could learn some more spells.
You said okay but when you did the spell a 2nd time it did not end well you messed up somehow and ended up teleporting into the exact spot in which he was standing causing you and him to both fall over.
''O my goodness!. I'm so sorry Vaati I don't know what happened.''
You said feeling a bit guilty and embarrassed for messing up the spell.
''Its okay (y/n) it was only your 2nd time you'll get better.''
''Ya really think so?.''
''Of course I do my dear.''
Vaati said smiling.
You guys just stared into each other's eyes for a few moments you both started leaning in closer and
*knock* *knock*
You both heard someone knocking on the door ruining the moment completely.
You walked up to the door and opened it there standing outside was your father.
''F-f-father...what are you doing here?. How did you find me?.''
''(Y/n) I'm your father I'm always gonna know where my little girl is.''
He said.
''You got a guard to spy on me didn't you?.''
You said with a serious face.
''No if course not (y/n) I trust of them saw you why they were out bringing me a gift I bought for you it was very far away and took days to get here. I sent a guard out to check the mail boxes almost every day this week.
''A gift?.''
You asked growing curious.
The king nodded and slowly opened the box to show you a beautiful crown with (f/c) gems all over it. It also had your name engraved on the back with a heart.
''This is amazing thank you father but what's this for?.''
''For your wedding dear I want you to wear this when you become queen you can also wear it with your dress but only if you wanted to.''
You stared at it when a thought popped into your head.
''Father when is the wedding?.''
Asking because you had forgotten.
''Not far away just 1 more day and you'll be queen.''
He said smiling.
''One more day?!?!?.''
You said panicking.
You weren't ready To be queen yet time had flown by so fast.
Vaati was standing next to you with a surprised face also I'm guessing he lost track of time to.
''Nice to see you again Vaati.''
''Nice to see you again to sir.''
''Well I must get going see you on your wedding day (y/n).
He said smiling and waving goodbye to you and Vaati.
End of chapter!!!! I know I made the days kinda short and maybe rushed into the wedding? Idk but it's not easy coming up with ideas for this I've had writers block twice.
There's probably only gonna be a couple more chapters and then I'll do an epilogue for like 5 years later!!. :)
Anyways the wedding soon OMG!!!!!!. :)
Thanks for reading
Your AWESOME!!!!.

Vaati X Reader ~ Queen To Be Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora