Chapter 7

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Note-I have been sick the past couple days so I haven't really been writing but I'm better now.
Walking around the halls and looking through all the bedrooms you've noticed 2 weird things so far that metal door and that there's no servants it guards or anything here just you and him.
''Hey vaati?.''
You ask.
''Yes my dear (y/n)?.''
Him saying that gave you butterflies for a second but you push them aside in order to think straight.
(And yes you kinda like him now but he don't know that yet)
''Where are all your servants and guards and knights and stuff?.''
''Oh..well...I told them to leave so you could get a good look around the house without being bothered.''
*oh well that's kinda sweet*
You thought.
''Oh okay well when will they be back?.''
''I don't know dear.''
Time skip -to you reading a book sitting in a chair vaati's in his study doing stuff.
You were reading a book enjoying the peace and quite when all of a sudden you heard a door slam shut thinking it was vaati you walked towards the room where you had heard the sound but saw nothing.
You called out but nothing you heard nothing.
You turned around to go back to reading your book when you heard a growl quickly you turned around and saw a Monster standing right in front of you ready to attack.
You ran as fast as you could until you got to vaati's study room then opened the door and slammed it shut.
Causing vaati to jump up in surprise.
''Vaati there's a monster chasing me!.''
You said.
''A monster?.''
''Yeah it's right outside the--
But before you could finish the monster comes into the room.
SIR!. Someone's in the castle trespassing!.''
You yell pointing at it.
''Your the one who's not supposed to be here!.''
SIR there she is!.
*is this guy an idiot?*
You thought.
''Enough!. This is (y/n) she is my fiancé and you and everyone else will treat her with respect from now on do you understand?!. No harm will come to her!.''
Yes sir!.
The guard said shaking a bit looking like he was scared of vaati then running off.
''What was that?.''
You asked.
''That was one of the guards in my castle..''
''There monsters?!?.''
''Most are..but don't worry I'll make sure they don't hurt you and from now on you'll be by my side when we are here until we get married okay?.''
You say.
End of chapter

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