Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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Your curious about Vaati and wanna know more about him.
''Soooo Vaati'' you say.
He looked over at you.
Don't you think that since we are getting married that maybe we should get to know each other a little more? I mean all I know is your name.'' You said.
''That sounds like a great idea I'm very curious as to what your really like to (y/n).''
He said smiling at you.
''Okay I'll go first,what's your favorite color?.''
You asked.
''That's what comes to mind? Asking my favorite color?.''
He said while chuckling a little.
''Just answer the question Vaati!.''
You said getting a little annoyed.
''....I guess purple...maybe red.''
''What about you my dear what's your favorite color?.''
''Oh so I can't ask that but you can and it will be normal huh?.''
Smiling he said.
''You asked the question first and I'm just curious to know what your favorite color so I can see how much we have in common.''
''...fine...I'll tell favorite color is (f/c).''
''Well I never would've expected that considering your wearing a (f/c) dress and your crown has     (f/c) gems built into it.''
''As a princess I have to wear certain colors father makes me he wears (f/c) and I wear (f/c) that's just how is that's how he wants it.''
You said.
Vaati looking at you a bit confused but finally just nodded.
''How many girls have you dated?.''
''Do I have to answer the question?.''
You said.
*sighs* ''fine...I've never dated anyone before.''
*giggles* ''are you serious?.''
He gives you a death glare.
''I'm not making fun of you *giggles* it's just hard to believe no ones ever dated you I mean look at you your hot!.''
Quickly putting your hand over you mouth realizing what you had just said.
Vaati smirks.
''You think I'm hot?''
*blushes* '' QUESTION!.''
You yell.
Vaati only laughs at you with you standing there blushing like crazy.

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