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5 years later
Ready or not here I come!
You shouted searching for your two kids.
Quietly walking around the house trying not to make any noise just in case one of the kids decided to cheat and try to find a new hiding spot.
Finally after walking around the house for a good 20 min (they were good at this game.) you heard someone giggle slowly walking over toward the place where the giggle had came from (the living room.).
Slowly walking toward the living room you jumped out from around the corner trying to be sneaky yelling
But instead of finding a kid hiding you found both your kids and vaati holding a giant cake that said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! On it.
Surprised and happy you rushed over to everybody and hugged them telling them that this was the best birthday ever!.
Then you heard a knock on the door and it was your father you hugged him happy to see him ''happy birthday!.'' he said.
He told u he a present for you.
You looked behind you and hiding behind him was your mom.
''MOM!.'' you shouted.
''What are you doing here?.''
You asked suprised.
She never came to visit she was always busy with stuff.
''I'm staying here!. I know I'm not here much but I missed you guys and I've decided I wanna be here and spend time with you and I will never leave again.''
You looked at her she looked like she was telling the truth.
''alright mom you can stay this really is the best birthday ever!.''
You looked,over to vaati and he hugged you.
The end

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