Chapter 8

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Nate's POV
...And got down on one knee, "Y/N,  I found you then lost you, and no really don't want to again, I'll protect you through all of what Natemare does, and I'll never leave you, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on earth, and marry me, when we're 18?", I said, smiling like an idiot.  She stood there in tears,  smiling,  "Yes! Yes!" She hugged me and we kissed, I put the promise ring on her finger and kissed her. The whole restaurant was clapping and cheering.  I could feel her face getting hot as she blushed, she didn't like much attention. We sat back down and finished our dinner, after getting out congrats from staff, and went back to my car and drove home. She opened her house door and turned on the lights, for being a nerdy girl, she keeps her house clean. There's the occasional anime poster or video game picture, or family photo, but other than that I really liked her house. She set her purse down and keys, "So what do you wanna do?". Hang out with you is all I want, babe. "Uh,  videogames?" "Sure!",  she smiled and went towards a door. When she opened it, it looked like heaven,  all video game systems, and video games in a closet, even a computer in the corner.  "Woah, " I said as I looked around, ", this looks awesome. " "Heh, thanks, so what do you wanna play? " "How about some Mario kart?" "Are you sure? I'll probably beat you. " she said with a giggle. "Hahaha, your funny, but sure let's play that!" She walked to the wii U and started up the game, and gave me a control and set down next to me. We played a few games, when we heard a window break. She screamed, and I held onto her. No, can't be him right? I checked my waistband and luckily I had my gun with me, it'll hurt him but not kill. I gave Y/N my jacket and told her to stay quiet while I check it out. I looked around the corner and saw Natemare. He was going from room to room looking for us, I turned off the light in the game room. And decided to hide in the closet with Y/N, but I heard her scream, I turned around and he was holding a knife to her neck. "Nate! Help me please!" she struggled and I saw blood start to draw from her neck. "leave her alone! " I yelled. "that's no way to talk to a guest, Nate" he said with a chuckle. "You have what I want, and I'll keep coming to you and your pretty little girl over here, until I get it! " "You never get it, Now leave us alone! " "Fine, you have 24 hours to get me what I want and if I don't have it,  Y/N will have a nice time with me." His evil grin grew "Do we have a deal?"  I looked towards Y/N, "Yes" I said and shook his shadowy hand. He dropped the knife and flew out the window. "Are you okay?! " "Not really" She motioned towards her neck. I bandaged her right up and took her to her room, so she could sleep. I was almost out the door when she stopped me. "Nate? C-could you sleep with me?" I turned around and laid down next to her and kissed her forehead. "I love you Y/N, I'll protect you even if it means I die." "I love you too, Nate." and with that we both fell asleep.
Ok, another chapter!  How do y'all like it??
QOTC: who is your YouTuber senpai?  Mine is Jacksepticeye
P.S. I'm in love with this remix!! xD

My Natemare (a NWTB x Reader fanfic) ☆discontinued☆Where stories live. Discover now