Chapter 21

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Your POV (A/N: So this chapter might be a bit disappointing, I have a small writer's block but try your best to enjoy)

I held Nate's hand as we walked to school. We were debating which cover he should do next. "Shouldn't you do a My Chemical Romance cover next? You've done almost the whole Emo Trinity." He shrugged, "Which song though? I've never done any of their songs." I was thinking about what song when someone called Nate over. "Hey Nate, could you help me out for a minute?" I looked up and Nate gave me a quick peck on the lips, "I'll meet you at your locker." He ran over to the one who called him over and I walked inside the school.

I went to my locker and began turning the dial. 36 right, 7 left, 0 right and it opened. "Hey Y/N." I sighed, not wanting to deal with Derek right now. I didn't answer, Please leave. "Come on, are you still mad at me for beating up your boyfriend?" No, totally not. You only made him bleed for a good hour or so. "Talk to me." He pulled on my arm. I pulled away, clearly annoyed. "Come on, you stubborn slut!" He said, pulling on me once again. I turned around and slapped him. Everyone turned around and looked at us, I turned around back to my locker. "Leave me alone." I could hear people whisper. "Whatever. You and that Sharp kid are insane anyways." He still didn't leave. I continued to pull books out of my bag and into my locker, hoping he would leave already. He put his arms around me and picked me up, making me drop all of my things. People didn't dare go against the jock of the school. They looked away as he took me into some empty classroom. 

He threw me onto one of the desks, closing the door. "Give me your phone." He yelled. I shook my head, scared for my life and Nate's. He shook his head, running his hand through his blonde hair, "Come on, just give me your phone. I don't want to search you." I shook my head again, "Why are you doing this?! Where's Nate?!" I didn't bother to get up from the desk, he'd pick me up again and put me back on the desk, or worse. "Just stay here for a few hours. Nate's fine, the guy that called him over has him in another empty classroom." I sighed, "And why the hell do we have to be in empty classrooms?! Derek, what is this?!" He paced, "Give me your phone and I'll explain before I have to go." I sighed and threw him my phone. Derek put it in his pocket, "I have to separate you and Sharp for a good few hours, Boss said it had something to do with powers or some shit." I raised an eyebrow, "Powers?" He nodded, "The guy has some obsession with purple paint on his face. It's honestly stupid if you ask m-" He stopped talking. "Derek?" I said, confused. 

Purple paint? He's screwed if Natemare's messing with him. 

"Don't talk, princess. Just stay here, and you'll stay alive." He abruptly answered, his voice slightly deeper. Did his balls just drop? "Uh, Derek?" I stood up, off the desk. I walked over to him. He looked like he was struggling with himself. "Don't get near me, slut!" He yelled and I stepped back. He ran out of the classroom, and slammed the door, locking it from the outside somehow. I ran to the door to open it, but couldn't all I could hear were screams from the other side. Derek was probably losing it. What about Nate?

Nate's POV

"Could I borrow your phone? Mine isn't working for some reason." He asked. I nodded giving him my phone, we started walking into the school. "Hold up, I think I left something in the classroom. Come on." He said going into an empty classroom. I set my bag down. "Could you check the back closet?" He said, still holding my phone. I went to the closet, getting suspicious. "What exactly did you lose?" I said, skeptical. He looked up, "This is the wrong classroom, wait here." He said running out of the room, my phone in hand. I ran after him but the door slammed before I could get to him. What kind of sick joke is this? I banged on the door. "Dude! Get me out of here! Where's my phone?!" I kicked the door and sat on a desk. Where's Y/N? 
That was terrible

Anyways I did a school related small thing on my Sad Stories Shorter Than I Am I don't even know what it was.

Hope you enjoy! 

My Natemare (a NWTB x Reader fanfic) ☆discontinued☆Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant