Chapter 6: How Can You Beat the Worm?

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Hey guys! I will hopefully get back to a steady updating schedule now that I am settled into college and getting used to the workload. Please tell me what you think because I love getting feedback and I love hearing your thoughts, opinions, predictions, etc. I will hopefully be updating every Sunday and that will start with the next Sunday (not the upcoming one). Thank you to everyone that reads this, it really means a lot to me! Hope you like it.


I didn't see Spitfire for a while after that. He was off being a hero and I was trying to deal with Penn. He apologized profusely for what happened that night, he wouldn't stop apologizing. Penn was especially horrified when he learned that I got lost. I left out the whole Spitfire thing and claimed I had simply found a bus and got off at the stop close to my house.

Penn bought it, of course he had. He would probably never forgive himself if he learned Spitfire had to save me again because of something he did.

Everything pretty much went back to normal, except that I got an internship with The Advocate. It is the biggest newspaper in Belhurst, and they only take on one intern each year.

This year, I am that intern.

I will be working directly with the Photo Editor, which was an honor in itself. Trevor Matthews is a three time Pulitzer winner, the most famous photo of his being the death of Rapid Remix. Somehow, he had captured the moment so beautifully, so artistically that he made the moron look like he died a hero instead of a stupid asshole.

Trevor Matthews is that good.

"Hey! Wallflower!" Murphy's voice cut through the air.

I didn't need to turn around to know he was smirking. Our...interactions had somehow become normal again. We fought just as much as ever, I called him Murphy and he called me Wallflower and whatever weirdness that had been present during our drive together had dissipated.

The locker door slammed a lot harder than I had meant for it to. Murphy just had that effect on me.

"What do you want Murphy?" He just stood against the lockers with that stupid smirk on his face. "Come on. I haven't got all day."

"What big plans could you have little Wallflower?"

I swear, one of these days. One of these days if he doesn't wipe that stupid grin off his face I am going to let all this pent up frustration out on him and he is never going to smirk again.

"I'm not little." I managed to grit out. Seeing the kick he got out of getting a rise out of me, I calmed down a bit. "I have work today."

Murphy rolled his eyes. "You're an intern."

"At the biggest paper in the area." I pointed out.

"You don't get paid anything."

"I get paid in experience."

"What experience?"

"I get to see firsthand how a major media empire operates."

"You're like seventeen, what could they really have you doing?"

"I'm eighteen." I bit out, so ready to take off his head, "and I do lots of things."

"Like what." He challenged me.

Murphy took a step back and watched me. I hated that grin on his face. That is right people, the once small smirk had been overtaken by a huge grin that told me he knew he had already won the argument.

"I...I got coffees dammit." He let out a little giggle. "Shut up, it's more than you're doing."

"Whatever you say Wallflower."

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