Dead Parents, Undead Grandparents

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  • Dedicated to All of you <3

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UPDATE: The sequel is up on my profile! It's called "Casualty of Love: Turning Tables" and is completed!


For the first time in a long time, I was legitamately happy. People even commented on how I looked like I was glowing. It was fantastic.

But, unfortunately, I was almost the only one who was. The only thing that could cloud my newfound sunshine was Sirius's death and the way it was effecting my friends. Harry was taking it the hardest, as expected. He didn't really speak with anyone and he looked heartbreakingly sad.

Today, I had watched him walk out to the Black Lake and sit down at the edge. I decided that I should talk to him, he looked like he needed it. So, as I walked out to the lake, I thought of what I would say to him. Being prepared in this situation seemed best.

He didn't look up when I sat down next to him and I didn't look at him. We bothed watched the water gently roll towards us for a few minutes. "I'm really sorry about your godfather, Harry. I know what it's like to lose someone."

He stayed silent and still fixed his eyes straight ahead. "I know what you must be going through. In alot of ways, I was brought up like you."

"Really?" he asked, looking at me for the first time.

"Yeah, but most people don't know and I'm supposed to keep it a don't tell anyone." He nodded his head.

"My parents died when I was a baby. I was sent to live in an orphanage because I didn't have any other relatives, apparently. That orphanage was horrible and the kids were very mean to me because I was 'different'," I put air quotations around the word. "I had no idea why I was different until my eleventh birthday when my adoptive parents came to adopt me. That's the day I got my letter; I thought it was some cruel joke.

"My parents explained to me what I was and how they knew I was a witch. My mom is a seer and they knew that I was their future child for awhile. They told me to promise that I wouldn't tell anyone that I was adopted and I agreed; they wouldn't tell me why, though. I think I know now.......

"Now, my mom, the only mother I've ever known, is sick and they don't know how to fix her," I said as tears began to roll down my cheeks at the prospect of losing my mom. Harry put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder with tears still falling down my face.

"I'm sure they'll fix her," he said quietly.

"I feel like it might be karma. I've been keeping a huge secret from everyone for a long time now. I need to tell everyone.......but I just can't. It's not safe right now, at least that's what everyone is telling me. With Voldemort being back and everything...I suppose they're right. I just wish that I could get it off my chest....."

"You can tell me if you'd like. I'm great at keeping secrets," he said.

I thought about this for awhile. I knew he could keep a secret but he would be so angry with me if I told him. He would hate me. I mean, sleeping with the enemy? Not a good thing....

"I really wish I could, and I will when the time is right.... I just don't know when that may be." I honestly didn't know when the time would be right to tell everyone about Draco. Maybe it would have to wait till after school.....or maybe after Voldemort is gone again. Whichever came first.

We sat there like that for what felt like an hour and I giggled to myself when I thought about what Draco would do if he saw us. Maybe he had saw us. I guess I'll find out later.

I hoped that this would renew Harry and I's friendship.

I laying in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express with Emmy and Ginny, thinking of how excited I was for the summer. I didn't know what was waiting for me at my home, I hadn't heard about my mother's condition in over a week, so I was rather anxious about that.

I sat up and spoke, "Do you guys think my mom is okay? I'm kind of worried."

"Oh, she'll be fine," they both said in unison which didn't make me feel any better.

"So, I saw you talking to Harry earlier. What were you guys talking about?" Ginny asked, eyeing me with suspicion, probably because I had my head on his shoulder and he had his arm around me.

"Dead parents," I said bluntly.


"Yeah, it was nice though. I never thought about talking to him about it, even though he would know exactly how I felt. What really sucks though is I don't know anybody who knew them. I'll never know what they were like....."

"I'm so sorry," Ginny said and I expected Emmy to say something but when I looked over, I realized why she hadn't.

Her eyes had rolled back into her head and she was unresponsive. "Mother--"

Before I could finish the curse that was coming out of my mouth, she woke back up. She stared at me with horror in her eyes. "Shit," was all that left her mouth.

I ran to meet my parents on the platform, furious with Emmy for not telling me what she saw. She only said 'I'm not the one who should tell you. It's up to your parents. Just be careful...' Sometimes seers were so infurating.

Unfortunately, the only one I saw on the platform was my dad. I walked up to him slowly now, my heart was beating rapidly. He had a somber look on his face and fear in his eyes. "Dad, what's going on?"

He didn't speak for a few seconds, obviously deciding what to say. "It's your mother."

"What's wrong?" I asked frantically, "Is she okay?"

"Not exactly." He paused for a few more seconds, a few painstaking seconds. "We figured out what was wrong......."

"Well, what was it?"

"Your grandfather is back."

"I thought he was dead."

The look in his eyes was all I needed to realize that I was lied to. My grandfather wasn't dead. I just didn't understand how that could make my mother sick.

Little did I know, he was bad enough to make anyone sick.

My grandfather is a deatheater, one of Voldemort's favorites.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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