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I was being introduced to Arkham by my new coworker Dr. Leland. The silence was complementing the sound my high heels was making.

A strand of my blonde hair fell. When I was pulling the strand away from my face, I caught a glimpse of the Joker.

He was standing with his back pushed back to wall. He was whistling some kind of song.

As I was staring at him, he smirked then looked at my direction. It was like, he knew that I was staring at him.

When he looked at my direction, I was startled for a moment. Him winking at me was the last I saw of him before I shifted my focus to Dr. Leland who was still talking about the asylum.

 Leland who was still talking about the asylum

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"I hope you will survive. You are an asset to this asylum. "
She said the last part with determination.

"Thank you Dr. for the compliment."
She showed me my office. It was not too small nor too big. It was just average.

I sat on the chair and smiled at her.

She was about to leave but then told me something.

"I must admit I was surprised you wanted to intern here at Arkham. Anyone who had gone through med school with your high grades... could've written her ticket anywhere"

" Yes, Well... I've always had this attraction for extreme personalities. They're more exciting, more challenging..."

"And more high profile?" She cutted me off with a judging tone.

"I can't deny Doc that there's an element of glamour to these super criminals." I said it with a smile.

She looked convinced.

"I warn you right now. They are hard core psychotics. They'd just as soon kill you as they look at you. If you're thinking on crashing on them and writing a tell all book. Well, then think again."

That was the end of it. She was done introducing and lecturing me about Arkham.

Finally, I was alone in the office.

A sudden thought of the Joker popped in my mind. I can't wait to be his psychologist one day. Me cracking him and his insanity can put me in the news, books even.
I didn't go this far just to die in this Asylum.

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