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"Hello my dear Harley Quinn. I suppose you are not alone while listening to this. But, what the heck. Who cares anyway, right? So, I just wanna ask you if you enjoyed your gift HAHAHAHAHA Did you? Of course ya did. Who wouldn't. It was extra special just for you. I just wanna tell ya that if I am back in that dreadful Arkham, I hope you are still my psychiatrist. I won't just hope because I will make sure that you are. If that Jeremiah guy won't agree then I will just kill every psychiatrist in that Asylum so you'll be stuck with me HAHAHAHAHA You are my favorite after all. I might be gone for a while, baby but you won't replace me. You can't and you know it. That's just it toots, ba'bye"

"What the fuck!" Dr. Leland looked more worried than I'm supposed to be.

I should be worried. I am but there is just this thing or somethin' in me that was excited when I heard his voice.

He was trying to be sweet, I can feel it.

My imaginations were putted to an end when everyone else in the room was now in their right mind.

They were all scared. I saw it. I saw the fear in their faces the moment they heard his voice.

I was scared too. Especially because the scene in the therapy room happened so fast, I couldn't keep up.

"The Joker... he... he" Dr. Leland could say her thought no more. She passed out.

"Wow, she's that scared that she passed away" Danna said

"What the heck, Danna. Your vocabulary needs improvement. Passed away means to die. Joan just passed out." Rowena corrected Danna.

"Will both of you just shut up. Do you know how critical the situation is right now and you're arguing about each others vocabulary." Dr. Leland, surprisingly, is now awake.

She was about to say something to me but she didn't continue.

Instead she contacted Dr. Jeremiah Arkham and told him about what happened.

Joan was kinda too scared that she didn't hang up the phone so Dr. Arkham will know what's happening inside the room.

10 minutes later, Commissioner Gordon and his troops came.

"Miss Harleen Quinzel, right? So how are you connected to the clown" Gordon asked

I wanted to slap him in the face so hard that the word describing the impact while appear in the air.

How dare he call him a clown. He has a name for Godsake!

I was about to answer his question. I'm trying my best to act polite.

But suddenly, a loud BOOM was heard coming from the other room. The one just next to where I am.

Everyone left the room to see what was happening.

I tried to have a good sight of what was happening

The troops carefully went inside to make sure the area was clear.

Everyone who saw the room was scared. I was shocked.

The patient and her family was frozen. They didn't look dead. They eyes were still open. A scary grin were plastered on their faces.

This looked familiar.

This were the effects of the Joker's Venom.

"Holy shit. What the fuck happened."

Gordon was now mad at his troops.

"I told you to secure every inch of this hospital. To make sure this buliding is free from that maniac" He was so mad that his face was now red from all the shouting.

"He's gone, Gordon. The bomb must've been planted hours ago." This voice. The caped crusader. The vigilante. The Batman.

Harley Quinn and The JokerWhere stories live. Discover now