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6 months later.

In the span of 6 months, puddin' and I had the best of fun. But the Bat had to ruin all the fun.

He got Mistah J and locked him up in Arkham. Me, on the other hand, accidentally fell of the yacht where in we did our prank. Luckily, the police were the ones who got me so I managed to escape.

Now, I'm all alone in this very boring room. I've been watching the TV lately.

I was spacing out while eating my ice cream when something on the TV got my attention.

"The whole Arkham Island is now on full lock down. I am now just outside the island. Luckily, our news channel was given a chance to interview Dr. Jeremiah, the owner of the Arkham Asylum. The interview happened earlier. Here is the footage. This is Vicki Vale reporting."

"So Dr. Jeremiah. The island is on lockdown because of The Joker, am I right?"

"Yes. The Joker is very dangerous. He is a crazy man. He should be separated from the rest."

That mama's boy heck of a doctor's statement made me mad. I wanted to strangle him.

I wanted to break out my puddin' from Arkham but the Asylum is very careful right now. I couldn't get in.

At the end, I decided to take the risk.


I got in easily. I knew everything I needed to know. I worked her for a month after all.

I was almost in the control room when 2 guards saw me.

"Hey! What are you doing here? Wait a minute-- your Quinzel."

"Quinzel who?"

"I was in shift when she broke out the psycho from Arkham"

The other guard was still confused.  I just rolled my eyes on them.

"She's The Joker's girlfriend,  you imbecile!!"

The dumb guard started to panic.

He tried to calm down and look brave but his knees couldn't stop trembling.

I laughed mockingly at them.
Laughter echoed through the hallway.

Speaking of hallway, this feels like dejavu. This hallway... this hallway was my favorite. It witnessed the rise and fall of Dr. Quinzel. 

"Dr. Quinzel! You Traitor!"

I didn't even need to turn to know who it is. It's the voice of the bastard who insulted Mistah J.

I readied my gun to shoot him.

I turned to look at him. He was nervous but he still had the guts to smile.

I raised my gun to shoot him but before I could, I was sedated.

Why do I always end up being sedated?!


"Dr. Jeremiah Arkham."
I spat his name like it was the dirtiest word in the world.

"Poor Harleen... You were almost there. You almost succeeded. But you took a wrong turn"

He removed my mask and observed my face.

When his face was near to mine. I putted all my energy to bang my head to his and knock him out.


I was sitting and tied up on a wooden chair. Tsss cliché.

I stood up and intentionally fall to break the chair.

When the chair broke, the rope loosened.

I stood up and kicked Dr. Stupid while he was still dizzy. I punched him in the face which caused him to lose consciousness.

I stole his keys and left his office. This time, I ran to the control room so there won't be any delay.

I opened Mistah J's cell first then made sure that the other guards can't do anything idiotic like closing my puddin's cell again.

Before I left the room, I opened first all the gates I need to pass through to arrive in Mistah J's cell.


I knew I was getting near when I heard his laugh and the screams of the guards.

I saw a guard trying to press a button. Oh! That must be the alert button. HAHAHAHA

"Don't bother. You're gonna die soon"

He turned to look at me. His eyed widened.

I smiled mockingly at him. He passed out.


I think I just felt all the happiness in the world when I saw Mistah J.

"Harley!" I jumped at him. I was enjoying the hug when I realized we were still here in this Asylum.

"Let's have some fun" he wispered to my ear.

I nodded. 

We started to slaughter everyone in sight. We laughed as we did.

Mistah J's purple lamborghini was already outside. I called Frost earlier and told him to bring the car.

The Asylum only went to Red Alert when we were almost out of the island.

"Too late, suckers!" I shouted outside the car. Mistah J just laughed as I did.

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