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We were at our HaHacienda hideout.

Mistah J was in our room while I was in the kitchen.

I was making him pudding.

HAHAHAHA I made my puddin' pudding.

"Puddin' I made you somethin'" I called him.

He wasn't replying. I went to our room to call him again.

I was almost gonna enter the room when I realized my clothes.

Disgusting!  I was covered in blood and dirt.

I changed into a red lingerie first before I approached Mistah J.

"Puddin'~~" I sat on his table.

"Not now, Harley. Daddy's busy." He was still looking at his blueprints.

"But... But we just escaped Arkham. Don't you wanna rev up your Harley" I was trying to be cute.

He was still ignoring me.

"Why don't you just shoot him?" I said in my Brooklyn accent while I was looking at my nails.

That must've got his attention 'cause he's mad right now.

He pushed me off his table.

I could feel the coldness of the floor.

"Why don't you just shoot him? " He was imitating my voice. He was mocking me.

I remained silent.

"The death of Batman should be a piece of art.  A masterpiece. And you want me to just shoot him?!"

He dragged me out of our room and pushed me to the ground again.

I saw Bud and Lou, my babies. They got mad when they saw what Mistah J did.

It took me seconds before I realized I was stil
I couldn't change my outfit again. My normal clothes were in our room and I wasn't allowed to get in while he was still mad.

I had no choice but to wear my working clothes, my jester outfit.

I wanted to roam around Gotham but I couldn't be seen in this Jester outfit. I'll get arrested and I won't get to relax.

I decided to wear a coat.

I was about to leave when one of Mistah J's thugs saw me.

"Harley! Where are you going?"

"Why you asking?"

"Boss might look for you"

I rolled my eyes.

"Just around Gotham"


I was in a mall. I forgot to bring some cash with me.

I decided to use Harleen's credit card.

I saw a really cute short. It was sparkly. Plus, it had a red and black motif and some diamonds in it.

I went inside the boutique to buy it.

And that was just the start of my shopping spree.

While I was eating my ice cream. I saw that pesty commissioner. His name was Gordon, I think. I'm not sure though. 

I consider him stupid.

He was with Sarah, his mistress. Wait... I think she was his recent wife. Mistah J told me a joke about Gordon's infidelity. Gordon was also with a teen. She looks like a nerd. I don't know her name though.

I went to them but I hid myself.

They were talking about Mistah J. They better be not insulting him.

"Batman said the Joker's out. This is never going to end, is it? Wherever he is, I am always bothered. When he's locked up, I always pray that he stays there but when's that going to happen.  He always escapes.  And whenever he's out and free from Arkham.  I'm afraid he might go on a slaughter spree on everyone." Gordon said to his wife while the teen beside him was enjoying herself with her phone

"Calm down, James. He's still not bothering anyone. Let him be as long as he's not doing anything crazy--" Gordon cutted of his wife.

"But he IS crazy"

I was calming down myself.  How dare he?!

"Barbara, so how's school?" Gordon said to his daughter.

Oh! So her name's Barbara.

"Oh, yeah. It's fine. Everything's going well."

She avoided eye contact with her father. She lingered around her.

We had eye contact when she unintentionally looked at my direction.

Shock was present in her eyes. Maybe, she knows me?... Of course she does!!

"Dad, I think I just saw the Joker--" She was stuttering.

"The Joker?!!" Gordon started to panic.

"Not him. His girlfriend"

"Holy S--"

I was panicking when I noticed the fire alarm beside me.

I pushed the button and hurriedly left the building.


I arrived at our recent hideout.

I saw that Mistah J was still busy with his work. I decided to not bother him anymore. 

I just sat on the couch beside him.

I busied myself by playing with Lou, one of my hyenas. Maybe Bud was still sleeping.


It was already afternoon. Lou fell asleep earlier. I was now doing my makeup. I was just playing with my cosmetics.

Someone knocked at the door.

He went inside and I saw it was the thug from earlier.

"Boss, there's a news roaming around the city. They're gonna hold a party for Commissioner Gordon and the rest of the guys they consider as the city's hero. They said that they want to honor Gordon and Batman.

"Oh really?! Come on now Harls! We're planning my next masterpiece." He had a sinister smile plastered on his face yet his voice was sharp as ice.

Harley Quinn and The JokerWhere stories live. Discover now