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Patient Interview number 2

I looked at my paper as I wrote down those words.

"Remember when I told you about how I there's someone here I can relate to when you came. Someone who might like to hear my secrets."

"Really? Go on!" I was excited, obviously.

I was sure that I wasn't going to end up being manipulated because I made sure that I am prepared.

"You know, my father used to beat me up pretty bad."

I was ready for anything, except that.

"Everytime I got out of line--- BAM. Or sometimes, I'll just be there sitting, doing nothing---POW."

"Pops tended to favor the grape, y'see"

"Uh-huh" It was just what I can answer him.

"There was only one time where I ever saw dad really happy. He took me to the circus when I was seven."

He looked so happy, he was smiling.

"I still remember this one clown... CRAZY-looking geek with checkered pants"

"Running around the ring with his tiny dog snapping at his heel every time... heh heh... everytime the geek stopped to kick the pup... ZWOOOP! He dropped his pants and fell on his butt."

"HAHAHAHA! Geez, I thought my old man would bust a gut laughing. I saw his how happy he was and I decided I'd make him laugh too."

"So, the next night when dad staggered home from the bar. There I stood in the doorway, wearing his best sunday slacks around my ankles. I said, 'Hi Dad!' I squeaked 'Lookit me!' "

Then he dropped his pants.

"ZWOOOP! I took a big pratfall and tore the crotch clean out of his pants"

Now we were both laughing so hard. We were barely breathing.

Now, I was the only one laughing.  He continued his story.

"Then, he broke my nose"

I stopped laughing. My tears from all the laughter, now looked like tears from sadness.

"It was like he was aiming for my fanny and missed, at least that's what I told myself... when I woke up in the hospital 3 days later"

"Three days...?!" That long!

"But hey, that's the downside of comedy. You're always taking shots from folks who don't just get the joke, like my dad... or Batman"

"Time's up" The guard went in and fetched the Joker.

"Thanks, Doc. I feel a lot better. Same time next week?"

No words can come out of my mouth. Instead, I just nodded at him.

I looked at the notes I wrote.

Subject admits to abusive childhood... alcoholic father...father/son circus trip...(potential bonding experience)...subject beaten when prank went wrong... 3 days in hospital!!... Batman?

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