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There was a surprise waiting for me in the therapy room

He was smirking. Gosh, my cheeks are so red right now.
He was... He was Shirtless.

"Dr, Dr, do you like what you're seeing" He was teasing me.

"Umm... where is your shirt?" It was so awkward.

"Oh, I just want to give you a gift before I leave"

Suddenly, there was a noise outside. Someone's breaking in Arkham!

Thugs went in the room and chained me to the chair.

The wall was now also broken. There was a helicopter waiting for them. He was the last one to climb on the rope

"Bye toots. See'ya again!" His voice was fading as the helicopter flew away from Arkham.

My vision started to get blurry. Fuck, I was poisoned. Earlier, there was something that pricked me but I didn't expect it to be poison.

I heard loud sound of people rushing to my direction. That was the last of it. I completely blacked out.

I was starting to gain consciousness.

There were people surrounding me I couldn't identify them with just my hearing.

"She's awake!! Guys, she's awake!"

"Shut up! You're scaring her."

"Is she going to go crazy?"

"I hope not. But in my opinion, what happened to her was a really traumatic so she could be mentally scarred."

"Shhh.... Shut up, all of you?" This voice was Dr. Leland's.

"Where is he?" It was all that I could say.

"He escaped. I have some news though. Dr. Arkham said that if you want to, you could stop your sessions with The Joker."

I couldn't answer yet. My choice might depend on my career. He promised me his secrets. But fuck that, living is my priority.


"Yes what?" They all asked me in union

"Yes, I will stop my session. This is a life and death matter. "

They nodded.

There was a knock coming from the door. It was the nurse.

"Excuse me but someone told me to bring this disk. Who in here in Miss Quinn."

"Quinn?" Dr. Leland asked the nurse.

"Apparently, he said 'Bring this disk to Harley Quinn' It just kinda sound weird, you know the name if said together, so I prefer Miss Quinn" said the nurse.

"It's me" I said with a weak voice.

"Oh! Well, here is the disk Miss Quinn" Then the nurse left.

"So how are we going to play this" I asked but no one replied.

"So, Harleen, what is this Harley Quinn name of yours?" Danna, one of Leland's friend, asked. She was kinda mocking and judging me at the same time.

"If I didn't know better, I would think that this disk is from the Joker. C'mon, The name Harley Quinn is a pun from the name Harlequin, you know, the clown." Rowena said it like it was a fact.

"But why would The Joker call Harleen, Harley Quinn?" Julia asked

I couldn't say anything.

Silence was all around the room.

The silence was broken until someond knocked on the room.

It was the nurse.

" Oh Golly!  I am so sorry I caused you trouble. I forgot to give this."

She just putted it on the table then left.

It was somekind of device used to play disks. I forgot the name.

Dr. Leland was the one that inserted the disk and played the device.

What we heard gave us all a scare. They were all eyes on me. Some showed pity while some showed fear.

Harley Quinn and The JokerWhere stories live. Discover now