April 1; part 2

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"Dr. Quinzel? But I'm your Harley aren't I?"

After that I lost consciousness.


I woke up hearing screams and gunshots everywhere.

I was alone in Mistah J's cell but a couple of thugs passed by.

They were twins and both had a big body.

"Is it her?" The thug wearing a yellow polo asked.

"Are you blind or just stupid? Of course, it's her!!" The thug wearing an orange polo smacked his twin.

They gripped both of my hands, dragging me to the shock therapy room.

"Get of me, you imbeciles!!" my Brooklyn was heard throughout the room.

The tied me to the table. I couldn't escape. Leather belts were all over my body.

"Well, well HAHAHAHAHA Who do we have here? Dr. Harleen Quinzel, my favorite."

He was shirtless.

"What are you gonna do now? Are you gonna kill me Mistah J"


His expression suddenly changed.

"Oh!... I'm not gonna kill ya'. I'm just gonna hurt you really, really bad"

"Well, I can handle it. For you, puddin'"

He gave me shock therapy.


I was so tired when he was done.

I was starting to hear voices.

"Fix her up."

Mistah J said and left.


The twin thugs from earlier dragged me to a purple lamborghini.

I was still mad at Mistah J for leaving me but I cheered up when I found him inside the car.

"Puddin'!" I said with excitement.

We kissed but I soon lost consciousness again when he sedated me.


I awaken by Mistah J with a kiss.

We were ouside the ACE Chemical Factory.

"Why are we here, puddin'?"

"It's your birthday, Babycakes" He said while we were climbing the stairs.

"Birthday? But it happened months ago" I was confused.

"Not Harleen's birthday, silly. Today is Harley Quinn's birthday.This is where I was born and this is where you will be too."

He brought me to the edge of the platform. Below were huge containers with chemicals. I think it's bleach.

I was staring at the chemicals below when he said something.

"Question. Would you die for me?"

"Yes." I answered.

"No, no. That's too easy. Would you... would you live for me."

It took me a few seconds to analyze what he said.


"Careful. Do not say this oath thoughtlessly. Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power."

He shushed me with his finger on my lips.

"Do you want this?"

"Yes." my voice was weak but desire was present.

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