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Hey Guys! So, I have stopped updating for a while now. I'm so sorry for that.

Anyways, here's a present for all my readers.

My gift is.....







This one's gonna have Leland's POV. If you hate her, play nice.

┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

So this is it🃏🃏

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I feel very disappointed at Harleen.

She seems to be blinded by the Joker. That devil!! Why can't she see that he's a monster.

I continued watching the news. It was all that I could watch. All the other channels were disabled.

The only ones available were the news channels in which all the headlines were all about the escapades of Harley Quinn and her puddin'

"HAHAHAHA WHY EVEN DARE TO GO AGAINST THE KING?!"  It was like she was very proud of her new life. It disgusts me.

She was a very good doctor... and an actor too.

She's never coming back to sanity.

I fixed myself up and got ready for bed.

Today was my day off so I was free to do whatever I want.

I went to the mall to have some fresh air and loosen up from all my stress.

I was in the food court when the lights became green. I was shocked and confused.

All the light through out the building illuminated green.

All my questions were putted to an end when I heard it.

His laugh.

I was about to run and hide but it was too late. Someone grabbed my arm.

"Well, well, who do we have here? If it isn't boring Joan. Dr. Leland, what a pleasure to meet you here. It's shocking to see you outside the walls of that dreadful prison." She face showed as if she was shocked. But it was soon replaced by a smirk.

"At least I just work there. Unlike you..." I paused for a bit doubting if I should continue what I was supposed to say.

She smiled mockingly at me with her left brow arched.

"Unlike you... It's your home. It's the only place where you belong. With the other freaks." I said it!

Her smile froze.

I felt like she's gonna hurt me so I ducked a little bit and closed my eyes. It was the only thing I could think of doing in case she goes mad.

Seconds passed and there was so impact on me.

I opened my eyes and slowly looked up.

My eyes didn't even got the chance to meet hers. She slapped the bitch out of me.

"You've gone batshit crazy!!" I spat at her.

I gathered all my energy to stand up and run away from her.

I did but I just ended up being cornered.

"Why did you choose this. You were a good doctor. What the hell happened?" I shouted at her as she began to walk in my direction.

"Are you asking my why? Of course you are. Everybody wants to know why too. But I'm not gonna tell anyone.... except you."

I remained quiet.

"I find his psche disturbing, his dementia alarming, and his charm irresistible."

"Why did you tell me?!" I asked.

"It's our secret. Plus, you won't be able to tell others this secret of ours. You'll be dead soon"

"Please don't kill me!!!" I pleaded but all I got from her was a laugh.

"I'm not gonna kill you. Madness will"

"Till we meet again, Doctor!"




I'm going mad...

ⓣⓗⓔ ⓔⓝⓓ

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I did this chapter while studying for a math and world history exams tomorrow.🙌🙌

Harley Quinn and The JokerWhere stories live. Discover now