Ooooooooooh Bitch!

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Sophia's POV:

Uh I really need to get pregnant with Liams kid as I think he is going to break up with me! I am going to call him right  now actually!

Ring Ring Ring Ring

Liam:  Hey

Sophia: Hey baby wanna come round?

Liam: Look Sophia I don't wanna sound mean but I just don't love you anymore and I think we need to break up!

Sophia: I knew this day was coming!

Liam: I am really sorry! 

Sophia: No its ok!

Liam: Byeee

Sophia: bye

What have I done to make him not love me?  Dick head!

Liam's POV:

Thank God for that! I hate doing that but I have got a MASSIVE crush on Brittany! However I will wait a little while before I ask her out,  cause Sophia will be a tad pissed off with me if I do date anyone like a hour after we have broken up!

Perrie's POV:

Im hungry!

Perrie: LIAM!!!

Liam: What?

Perrie: Im hungry!

Liam: And...

Perrie: You need to cook me food!

Liam No! Get your boyfriend to cook!

Perrie: Ok HARRY!

Harry: Yeah babe?

Perrie: Can you make me a home made pizza please?

Harry: Yeah sure thang bubs!


Harry: No problems and LOVE YOU TOO!!

God I love him soooooo much he is always there for me! Not a dick like my last boy friend! He is also a FUCKING AMAZING chief! Like better than Mum which is impressive!

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