7 months later!

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Kaylie's POV:

Wow! Seven months have gone in a blink of an eye. Cant believe me and Niall are due to get married next year! Liam and Brittany got married last month and went on their honeymoon and are back now!! Perrie and Louis are extremely happy! She is due within a month!  Harry is still a tad pissed at Louis but he says he is waiting for his princess to arrive! Zayn is single, but extremely happy so all is good in our house.

Me and Perrie are currently out shopping for the baby. However Perrie and Louis being the awkward people they are, they haven't found out the sex of the baby. Perrie thinks it'll be a boy cause it is a hard kicker!  Perrie has found the most AMAZING cot! It is white and really cute. Louis has given her his Credit card to spend as much as she wants!     She has only bought a funny bouncy thing that you put in the door frame.  Niall being Niall, he bought a top for him/her saying if you think im cute you should see my uncles! I found Perrie a really nice bracelet. It has Her and Louis' names engraved into it and when the baby comes and they name it his/ her name will also be engraved.

Perrie's POV:

Ok so I have bought lots of things. However, this baby has a top and a uni sex onsie. It needs clothes!!  The baby has a cot, a dinner chair thing, a door frame bouncy thing, a changing table thing, and loads of teddy's!

I was walking round with Kaylie when I kept on feeling a awful pain in my stomach. I thought it was just the baby kicking so I ignored it.

When we got home. We found all the boys decorating the baby's room! It looked lush! I walked into the baby's room. When the pain got Fucking awful. I ran to the bathroom and vomited! Shit that's not good.

Louis' POV:

Wow the baby's room looks amazing! Even if I do say so myself. Perrie walked into the room looking awful! She looked so pale and ill. Just as I snapped out of my thoughts,  Perrie ran out of the room and locked her self in the bathroom. I heard her throw up! Shit shit shit shit! this isn't fucking good!

Louis: Liam! Perrie is throwing up and she ahs looked ill all day! pack up  some of her clothes and maybe some baby clothes, I taking her to the hospital!

Liam: Shit yeah ok.

I knocked on the bathroom door and saw a very ill looking Perrie. I helped her up and carried her to the car. She didn't say a word, which is worrying for her! I drove there as fast as I could!

I quickly popped her into a wheel chair and ran as fast as I could into reception. The doctors quickly took her away from me into theatre!  I called Harry asking him to come as I needed my Harry. I also called Perrie's best friend Jade. Recently, Jade and Perrie had been inseperable! like if one of them went to the toilet, then the other would wait outside which is really sweet!

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