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Kaylie's POV:

Ok so me and Niall were walking back from our date in the Park ( A very romantic date at that!). When suddenly we heard sirens! We quickly spotted where they were coming from! Shit, it was from outside Perrie's house! Fuck Whats Happened? We got to the house and there is 2 police cars and a ambulance! SHIT!!

Niall's POV: (during the date)

Wow I forgot how much I love Kaylie! She is actually my world! We are currently sat here eating chocolate covered strawberries! Yum! Anyway I am actually the happiest man alive at the minute! Kaylie really is something special! I really do love her! I have bought her a engagement ring but the problem is I don't want to make a fall of myself if she says no! Also I have to admit I want it to be really cheesy, as I like cheese! Like I really #LOVE it! We ate soooooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooo much pizza ! we probably put on at least 300000 stone each! Nevermind! Food it like having sex! AMAZING. And Orgisemic! We also went skinny dipping in the lake...... which may or may not have lead to sex?!?!?!?! Blooding hell mate it was amazing, magical! It was her first time and I said I will wait for the right time but all she said was " FUCKING HELL NIALL!! Take me now!!" so in which I did. but I think im screwed, as I didn't wear a condom! And doctors do say pregnancy does occur most when it is the girls first time.

Shut up Niall! Your just over thinking it! well I hope I am! If she is pregnant though! GOd shut up mate!

Harry's POV:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Please tell me this isn't happening! She cant have been! Has she? FUCK this is all my fault! I cheated on her with some blonde bimbo and she must of seen a picture!!!

Its my fucking fault! I am such a fucking pot head and a dick head!

FUCK! The doctor even said she may not make it, as she has cracked her skull, broke her right arm and both legs, broken 3 ribs and a cracked bone in her shoulder. And to top it off, she is in a coma! Liam is trying to contact their mum.

Louis POV:

We are are currently sat in the hospital waiting room. Bloody hell! I have NEVER seem Harry so depressed! He is so in love with Perrie!

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