Im wide awake!

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Perrie's POV:

I keep on imagining the picture of Harry and that girl in my head. I definatly can not forgive him, I've been hurt too many time! Also I wouldn't of been hit by that car. Oh and if your wondering, I am awake, im just pretending cause im feeling a bit of a bitch! I fucking hate Anya, she cheated on Zayn but I have to admit Zayn is fucking sexy!  Like have you seen his six pack! And his tattoos mate! WOW SEX GOD ALERT! I never realised how amazing he actually is!

I heard a voice, it sounded like Zayn ;) oh and Harry :(  I listened  to their conversation. It was Zayn trying to persuade Harry to get some food and some fresh air. I bloody well hope he goes, as then I will pretend to wake up to a sexy Zayn!  He will be omg Perrie its a mirical!

Perrie: Zayn?

Zayn: Perrie oh my god your awake! The doctor was just about to take off your breathing support!

Perrie: I guess hearing your voice helped!

Zayn: Aha you really are something special Perrie! You deserve much better than Harry!

Perrie: I know.

Zayn: look I'm not trying to be cocky but you deserve me!

Perrie: I know....

Zayn: What?

Perrie: I know.

Zayn: Really?

Perrie: Yeah!

Zayn lead in to kiss me so of course I kissed him back! He slowly pulled away.

Zayn: You have no idea how much I have wanted to do that!

Perrie: Ahaha!  Me to!

Zayn: Perrie?

Perrie: Yeah.

Zayn: Will you be my girlfriend? Like can no one know. Just our little secret?

Perrie: Yes Zayn! I'd love that!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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