Zanya date!

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Zayn's POV:

Me and Anya have out date night tonight! We are going to her house to watch movies. I have bought  Final destination, Paranormal Activity, Love Actually, The Vow, Mean Girls, White Chicks  and Grease. We have Ben and Jerrys, Haribos, pizza , doritos. I think we have enough food! Good job this girl can fucking eat! I still don't get why she doesn't get on with Brittany!  Like what does she have against her, she seems perfectly nice enough! Well who am I to judge, Brittany could of been a bitch to Anya or Anya may of been a bitch to Brittany!  I doubt that though!  I Love Anya, she is such a sweetie. She would never ever hurt anyone! Well I hope that she wouldn't! 

The first film we watched was Mean Girl! God I love this film, I may be a guy but bloody hell it is amazing! After that we watched Paranormal Activity! I Think I SHAT myself! I am such a Puff!  Anya was laughing at me! Bitch! Nah im joking I love her!  Next we watched White Chicks! Making my way down town! God I love that song!! Me and Anya were sat there singing like fucking spaztics!! Hah we are retards!

After the film had finished we decided to talk. I was going to ask her why she didn't like Brittany, but I thought that might be a little bit too personal! We ended up talking about dogs. She told me about her dog that she had when she was a kid: Poppy!  She sounded like my old dog Nini. I want a new dog, so does Anya! So I said to her do you wanna get a dog with me and she said yeah. So tomorrow me and Anya are going dog shopping!

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