Meetings and Cravings.

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Caleb's POV.

"Hey guys, come on in." Our lawyer, Dave, tells us, ushering us into his office.

Hanna and I walk into his office, greeting him on our way. We both sit down in a chair in front of his desk.

"How have you guys been?" Dane asks us as he sits down in his desk chair.

"We've been alright. You?" I ask him.

"I've been good. Now, let's get down to business." He says, shuffling out some papers from a stack of papers on his desk.

"We can use that letter against Kayla for evidence that she is lying. The only thing is that the letter doesn't directly say that you didn't rape her. So, she can deny any meaning from that letter. She also, can deny ever writing that letter, that is unless we send it to go have a fingerprints test. I can send it out only with your consent though." He informs us, sliding over a piece of paper.

I pick it up from the desk and look over it, seeing that it is a consent form for the fingerprints test. I quickly read it and sign it with a pen that was on the desk. I slide it over to Hanna for her to sign.

"Awesome, I will send out the letter as soon as we are done with this meeting. Now, I'm not sure what kind of proof she has of you raping her but she must have something if the court approved this case. We don't have much proof that you didn't rape her. The only thing we have is the letter that still doesn't clarify that you didn't rape her. So, we're going to need something much stronger. So, let's try to find anything that can help us out. But, for now, let's set some rules. Do not talk about this case with anybody outside of your immediate family. We don't want to take any risks of you telling someone that might be on Kayla's side. Another rule is do not tell anyone any evidence that you may have over the phone. Make sure you see me in person. Also, don't get your kids involved in this in any way. It won't help your case and it won't help your kids in any way. Last but very important rule is, do not have any contact with Kayla, am I clear?" He asks us, looking directly into my eyes.

"Yes, very. Is there anything else?" I ask him.

"No, I don't think so. Just, try to find anything that can help us. We'll have our next meeting in a few days to discuss further information. For now, just do your usual routine and don't worry about this case too much, alright?" He tells us.

"Alright, thanks man." I tell him, standing up from my seat, Hanna and Dane doing the same.

"No problem, it's my job. You guys have a nice day." He tells us, shaking both of our hands and walking us out of his office.

We wave goodbye to him one last time before exiting the building and walking to our car. Hanna unlocks the doors, me going into the passenger seat and her in the driver. She turns on the engine after we buckled our seat belts.

"Now where?" She asks me, looking at me.

"I don't know. Anywhere you want to go." I reply back to her, grabbing her hand that was on her thigh.

"Anywhere?" She asks me again, a small smile on her face as she looks at me.

"Yup, anywhere." I assure her, kissing the back of her hand and placing our entangled hands on my thighs.

"Alright, let's go to Walmart because I'm craving something." She tells me, beginning to drive away from the building we were just at.

"Let me guess, you're craving pizza with pineapples, pretzels, chocolate fudge, dill pickles, and ice cream on the pizza. Am I right?" I ask her, looking at her smiling face.

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