16 My Brother's Beta

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16 My Brother's Beta

I only just stepped into my Senior English class, and I could already tell that I didn't belong here. There was only one other student that was a year below like me, but I don't exactly want to talk to her.

I know it's selfish to be annoyed at being smart, hut the looks the Senior students were giving me made me want to just disappear. So, in an attempt to avoid their glares, I took a seat right at the back; pulling out my books and pen.

I looked at the clock, noticing that the teacher was five minutes late. And so were Aaron and Kyle. Someone that wasn't late, I noticed, was Ashlyn. Remember the girl my age that I was talking about?

She was sitting across the room from me, filing he nails. When she noticed me looking, she stood up and sauntered her way over, causing everyone to look my way.

"Well, well. I guess you're the nerd of the class again," she said, making a couple of people around the class laugh. "Only this time, you're sixteen."

"I'm seventeen in less than two months," I replied shortly, not really in the mood to talk. My eyes darkened when I saw her unsurprised face. "But you already know that; don't you, Ashley-Poo?"

She became visibly tense at the old nickname. "Don't call me that."

"What?" I feigned innocence. "Don't call you what? Ashley-Poo?"

"Ugh!" she exclaimed in frustration. "Why are you so annoying? I preferred you much more when you were the fat girl with no back-bone, who was only good for her connections!"

"Oh my God," I gasped in mock amazement. "You used a three syllable word! Aren't you a good little doggy?"

"Did you just call me a dog?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I was wrong, you catch on pretty quickly for a blonde."

"You bitch!"

"Ironic, huh?" I said, referring to the fact that I'm pretty much a female dog, as of last year. "But then again, you’re my little bitch too, right?"

Man, I love this new confidence thing. I may be coming off bitchy (no pun intended), but given mine and Ashlyn's history, I think I deserve at least a little bit of pay back.

Ever since Junior High Ashlyn's been pretending to be my friend. She'd always be blowing me off for the 'it' gang or some cute boy that asked her out. If I invite her over, she always asks, "Is your brother there? And Aaron?"

Depending on my answer is whether or not she comes over.

"What do you mean 'your little bitch'?" she asked in a menacing voice, daring me to continue. For a brief moment I felt like my old self again, and prepared to back down and apologize. But then my inner wolf howled, and I knew that she wasn't going to back off until our dominance was accepted.

I could easily sense my eyes darkening in colour, and almost felt the surges of power that ran through me in that instant. A growl escaped from my curled lips, so low that it would be inaudible to the humans in the room.

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