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Thanksgiving Day in Philly

Amy: Topanga sweety there is nothing you need to help with. Morgan and I have it. All you need to do is have a seat we don't want you to go into early labor

Topanga: If I don't do anything than I feel bad

Morgan: You don't have to feel bad. You're having a baby

Topanga: Fine, but I'm sitting in the kitchen so I can talk to you guys

Amy: Oh right sweety

They all walk into the kitchen and see the guys trying to sneak food

Amy: Stop right there. You guys will eat in a few hours

Cory: Mom I don't think I can wait a few hours

Eric: Me neither it smells so good

Josh: The ham looks delicious

Alan: Just one bite

Amy: Nope out the kitchen. Go watch the game or something

Cory: Be careful sweety

Topanga: I will I am just sitting

Cory: Good

The guys leave the room

Amy: Have you guys thought of a name yet?

Topanga: Yes we have

Morgan: You're not going to tell us are you?

Topanga: Nope its special and I want it to be a surprise for the family

Morgan: No hint

Topanga: Nope

Morgan: Oh man

Mia and Myles walk downstairs

Amy: Good morning

Mia: Good morning

Morgan: The guys are in the living room if Myles would like to go in there

Mia: Myles do you want to go play with Joshua

Myles: *nods*

Mia: Go ahead sweety

Myles walks into the living room

Amy: He's so cute

Mia: Thank you. So what can I help with

Amy: You can help Morgan make cupcakes

Topanga: I want to help make cupcakes

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