First Word

519 15 3

May 2010

Topanga: Auggie say Mama

Topanga is standing in front of Auggie while he is sitting in his high chair eating cheerios

August: *puts a cheerio in his mouth and starts laughing*

Topanga: *sighs* You would rather eat cheerios than say your first proper word

August: Yah bah

Topanga: Yep I knew it

Cory and Riley walk in

Cory: Still trying to get him to say his first?

Topanga: Yes. Riley said her first word around this time.

Cory: All babies develop differently

Topanga: I know but he's developing very fast. He was holding his bottle at 4 1/2 months old. He started crawling at 7 months old. I just thought he would be a early talker too

Riley: We don't need two chatty kids

Cory: Its good that you know you're chatty

Riley: *smiles* So is Auggie even though he can't talk yet he is babbling a lot

Topanga: OK baby boy I'll give you a break. You can talk when ever you want

August: *puts a handful of cheerios in his mouth and most of them fall out*

Riley: *laughs*

Cory: So what's our plan for this lovely Saturday

Topanga: Hair cuts

Cory: *groans*

Topanga: Riley and I haven't had Hair cuts since before Thanksgiving. You haven't had once since Valentines day and You're getting an afro

Cory: Its not that long

Topanga: I can deeply run my fingers through

Cory: Ok fine

Topanga: Riley needs one because her hair is getting so long but she has split ends and we want to get rid of those

Riley: Split ends are not cute

Topanga: Not at all

Cory: Is Auggie getting a hair cut?

Topanga: No he doesn't need one.

Cory: Ok well let's eat breakfast and get dressed

Hair Salon

Kimberly: Hello my favorite family

Topanga: Hey Kimberly

Kimberly: Family haircut?

Cory: Yep

Kimberly: Oh right

Topanga: We've all already washed our hair

Kimberly: Great this should be quick

Topanga: Good

They all get sat in a chair

Linda: So Miss Riley what is the length for today?

Riley: Only 2 inches

Linda: Oh right *begins on Riley's hair*

Kimberly: What about you Topanga?

Topanga: I am going to go for 3 inches

Kimberly: Any layers?

Topanga: No

Kimberly: OK

They all get their hair cuts now they're at a frozen yogurt place

Ben: All of your baby hair is almost gone Riles

Riley: People can finally stop asking me if I dyed my hair

Topanga: Kids ask you that?

Riley: Yes

Topanga: Oh

Auggie: Ma...Ma *reaching for the frozen yogurt in Topanga's hands* Mama Mama Mama

Cory: Topanga did you hear him?

Topanga: Yeah he said Mama. He said his first word.

Topanga puts down the frozen yogurt and takes Auggie out of his stroller

Topanga: Good Job baby boy *gives Auggie a small spoonfull of frozen yogurt*

Auggie: Ba Ba

Riley: Now he won't stop talking

Cory: *chuckles* You were like that

Riley: Next I am going to teach you how to say Riley because Agh is not working for me

Auggie: *laughs*

Cory: He thinks you're funny

Topanga: I am glad I have happy children

Riley: *laughs*

Sorry this is so short. This story will be ending soon I am losing interest. I will be working on another story. I have been inspired by the disappointing news of 'Girl Meets World' being canceled. I may have 2 new stories up.

Thanks for Reading!!!

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