Riley's First Birthday

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December 8, 2002

Cory and Topanga: Happy Birthday Riley!!!!

Riley: *smiling big*

Cory: *picks Riley up* I can't believe its been a year

Topanga: I still can't believe she was the tiny embryo that grew in my belly for 9 months

Cory: Neither can I

They walk to the kitchen

Topanga: Are you ready for your birthday breakfast Riley

Riley: *babbling*

Cory: Waffles or Pancakes Riley?

Riley: *bangs on the picture of the stack of waffles*

Cory: That means waffles

Topanga: I could have guessed that. She loves waffles

Cory: Yeah she does

Topanga makes waffles while Cory plays with Riley

Cory: Where's your mouth Riley? *points to his own mouth*

Riley: *smacks hand on mouth* Mou Mou

Cory: Where are your ears? *points to his own ears*

Riley: *grabs her ears*

Cory: Good Job Riles

Topanga: Birthday pancakes are all ready

Topanga puts a plate of slice waffles, cut strawberries, and yogurt in front of Riley

Riley: *screams and claps*

Cory: She loves food

Topanga: So do you

Cory: Twins

Topanga: *smiles*

Cory: Is everything ready for us to drive to Philly

Topanga: Yup Riley is going to hate us for making her sit in a car for 2 hours, but its much easier to have her party at your parents than here

Cory: She'll understand

Topanga: She's one

Cory: and very smart like her Mother

Topanga: *laughs* Watch her while I shower please

Cory: Of course

Topanga leaves to her bedroom

Cory: So Riley do you want a brother or a sister for your birthday?

Riley: *puts her yogurt and waffles hands on her father's mouth*

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