Goodbye Tonsils

880 27 4

April 2009

Riley: *whining* Mommy

Topanga walks into her daughter's bedroom

Topanga: Your throat still hurting

Riley: *nods*

Topanga: Oh right let me call Daddy so we can take you to the Doctors office

Riley: *tears form in her eyes* Noooooo

Topanga: Riley honey you've had a sore throat for 2 weeks now. You haven't been in school since than. We have to get you checked out

Riley: *crying* I don't like the hospital

Topanga: I know honey, but if there is something seriously wrong with you we need to get it checked out now

Riley: *crying*

Topanga: Come on sweety you can keep on what you have. I will make you some tea to sip on

Riley slowly gets out of bed while Topanga makes Riley a to-go cup of tea

Topanga: Daddy will meet us there OK

Riley: *nods*

Children's hospital

Topanga: Looks like Daddy hasn't made it here yet, but that's ok. Go have a seat while I sign you in

Riley: *walks over to a seat where her mom can still see her*

Desk Lady: Congratulations on your baby *warm smile*

Topanga: Oh thank you so much

Deak Lady: Do you know what you're having?

Topanga: No my daughter has been sick for 2 weeks and I missed my appointment so I'll find out next week

Desk Lady: Oh wow what is she sick with?

Topanga: She's had a sore throat for 2 whole weeks. Its not getting any better

Desk lady: Maybe her tonsils are too big. She could need them removed

Topanga: I wouldn't be surprised. Her father had the same thing done when he was in high school

Desk Lady: Could be it than, but I'll let the professional tell you that. I hope you have a nice day

Topanga: Thank you, you too

Topanga walks over to Riley and sits down

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