Big Sister?

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December 24, 2008

Riley: I'll see you after New Year's

Maya: Ok have fun at your grandparents house

Riley: You have fun with your Mom

Maya: I'll try. Bye Mr. And Mrs. Matthews

Topanga and Cory: Bye Maya

Topanga: Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Maya: You too

The Matthews get back into the car and drive to Philadelphia

Riley: What's my surprise

Topanga: You can't know until tomorrow

Riley: Is it a bad surprise?

Cory: No its a good one you will love it

Riley: Ooook

They arrive at Cory's parents house

Riley: Aunt Morgan!! *runs up to Morgan and Morgan picks her up*

Morgan: Hi my favorite neice

Josh: She is still your only neice

Morgan: Lucky for you

Riley: Hi Uncle Josh. Where's Uncle Myles

Josh: Inside with everyone come on

They walk inside

Eric: My brotha *man hugs Cory*

Cory: My Brotha

Mia: How are you Topanga? *hugs Topanga*

Topanga: I'm good. How are you and your second new edition

Mia: Great I can't believe we have two boys and no girls

Topanga: Bentley and Garrett are amazing. Riley doesn't mind being the only granddaughter

Mia: I am sure she doesn't

Riley: You're tall Uncle Myles

Myles: I'm 11 and you're 7. I am supposed to be taller

Riley: But I am a tall 7 year old

Myles: I am still 4 years older. I have 4 extra years of height on you

Riley: Daddy is that true?

Cory: Sadly, yes Riley its true, but don't worry I went through the same with Eric. He's 2 years older

Riley: I want a younger sibling so I can always be taller

Josh: Until you stop growing and your younger sibling could be taller

Riley: This world stinks

December 25th Christmas Morning

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