We made it

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6 months later

Topanga: We're finally graduating college

Cory: I am so happy. I start student teaching in September. Soon I'll be Feeny

Topanga: I am so happy we were able to finish this and not really give up anything because we have Riley

Cory: She's such a good baby she makes everything so easy

Topanga: She sure does *looks at Riley who is on her play mat playing with some of her toys*

Cory: You ready to go?

Topanga: Yes I am *picks up Riley*

Cory: My parents will be there to take Riley

Topanga: Oh right

At the school

Amy: Oh you guys look beautiful

Morgan: Hey RiRi *takes Riley from Topanga*

Riley: *laughs at her Aunt*

Cory: We have to go. Everything Riley needs is in her diaper bag. We've practice being quiet at big occasions so she should be good

Alan: She's 6 months old

Topanga: That's what I said *kisses Riley's head* Mommy will be back soon Riley. I love you

Cory: *kisses Riley's head* Love you Riley

Graduation Ceremony

Josh: Look Wiley *points to where Cory and Topanga are*

Riley: *squeals* Mama...mama

Josh: Dada

Riley: Dada

Josh: Good job

Eric: Hey guys look it's Topanga's parents

They all turn around to see Topanga's parents sitting at the top of their row

Feeny: They actually showed up

Lila: I wonder if they're going to go up to Topanga after

Amy: I hope so

Riley: *squeals really loud* DADA DADA DADA

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